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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Used to apply to me before I was forced to start taking antipsychotics. Also its not genetics, I just assume you don't eat trash. The genetics excuse seems to apply to fat fucks. I always HATED myself when I'm overweight even if its not much, it's embarassing and shit. I don't get people that are okay with them being fat, makes no sense to me.
  2. That's great I'd totally get a remaster. I pirated it but never got around to it.
  3. You can proudly say you're not a millennial given the fact you lived under him and remember him lol.
  4. First of all its not really a "water fast". I take 2 teaspoons of salt a day, 2 spoons of potassium (Salt lite), and 1 teaspoon of food grade magnesium. Non of them have any binding agents in them. Also two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. 3 months into keto, so I'm heavily fat adapted (Keto sticks are no longer purple but pink, meaning I use ketos effectively and don't piss them out) Tried my first fast 2 months in, for 48 hours, then 48 hours again, 72 hours, then 96, now going for a 16 day fast to grind through the weight to get really lean (There is an IRL event in 16 days).
  5. Not sure what there is to spoil when I beat the game multiple times, even the normal game requires you to beat it multiple times for the true routes lol. Also Route A Claire and Route B Leon is canon btw.
  6. Remij you got an amazing card, wait 1-2 gen cycles in cards before you bother lol.
  7. Reveal in VGA It will have 4 years of dev cycle (1 year concept 3 year full development) longest to date. Concepting actually even started while making MK X. They were always thought back to back games in terms of story It has proper adventure mode , new version of Shaolin Monks type of gameplay. pretty big deal , you can play and customize your character in this mode,lots of items for customize weapons etc shit too. Also boxes (daily, buyable etc..) Adventure mode is 2 player co-op , online or single. drop in drop out Story mode and adventure are different both a
  8. I see used Fallout copies in stores all over the place, meaning people bought the game, checked the reviews, and then just traded it back unsealed lol. Since it's a code.
  9. Tomb Raider is already $20, not sure if to get. Since there might be a DLC edition, that's if there is any DLC worth shit coming.
  10. I'm getting flash backs to Wii will play PS360 games in SD. Wii U is a next-gen jump. Switch will be as powerful as the One etc etc. It's always the same shit.
  11. The whole point of current hardware revisions is to have zero negative impact on base hardware while offering a higher end options. Nothing else makes sense imo. And that's not out of love of hardware, it's to avoid a mid gen and end gen massive hardware decline in sales. Dock doesnt solve that in the slightest and affects only the stationary gaming, not portable. Too limited, gimped and expensive imo.
  12. Well no one is going to design a game exclusive to a fucking dock. Unless you want to go all Donkey 64 and Perfect Dark Zero that required the memory pak. It's unrealitsic to put it lightly.
  13. There is no magic solution coming to Switch's hardware issue no matter how much sheep pray upon it. It's delusion.
  14. Well there is a report from a legit source that says there will a 2019 Switch revision (Pro, XL, Small or whatever we don't know). There is a big difference between a Switch Pro and Switch 2. Totally different products and cycles.
  15. Switch is not getting a succssor in a mere 5 years, and it's still mobile hardware regardless it's not running anything next-gen with 2021 mobile hardware.
  16. The Switch won't be getting a succcessor any time soon, at best you'll get a Pro version. This solves nothing. Everything needs to run on base, and it's still just mobile hardware. Forget next-gen ports, it's not happening
  17. What exactly is there to damage control, the election is soon, and the current president have a 5% approval rating. The minute he loses power he will be on his way to jail, not that it really matters he has like 4 citizenships, billions in offshores in Panama and Cyprus, and all his children live and study in some other country with million dollar condos.
  18. Ukraine has a working age population of about 14 million, 3 million permanently work in Russia. That's a 1 in 4 working in Russia. They'll just make working conditions and requirements easier, and the brain and resource drain will be even more severe. Especially with the cabal imposed by the IMF. The current population of Ukraine went from 52 million in 1991 to sub 30 million, give it 10 more years, the country's population will be divindling down to 15 million.
  19. This basically affects only hundreds of thousands of ex Ukr citizens that traded in their citizenship for a Russian citizenship, and still have parents or relatives back there. Great move.
  20. I can see the multiplat appeal dropping a lot when next-gen hits, right now it's gimped but kinda accceptable. When next-gen hits, not so much at least for that segment.
  21. So they interally also think this game is shit do they?
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