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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. On a more serious note games aren't movies they cost a lot and aren't 90 minutes long. Physical is here to stay.
  2. I played FFXIV casual stuff on PS4 with Vita. This is going to be much better if it has dedicated decoding hardware. Wii U pad had 2fps lag 11 years ago
  3. It has a big ass 8 inch screen, full non gimp dualshock controls unlike say the gimpness that are joycons. I only play games at home and this is the perfect device to play in bed or just sit on a couch in the corner. As a home playing device it's infinitely superior to the Switch portable mode. Good controls, bigger screen, specs and performance don't get downgraded when in portable mode. Every Switch multiplat will be superior on the Playstation tablet when played at home. I respect the Switches portable mode at home and think it's a very innovative platform but this i
  4. This gen will probably last 8 years till 2028. Are you going for a more powerful hardware solution if MS doesn't release anything for multiplats.
  5. Sony is really focusing on Chinese games we shall see how they turn out but they look promising.
  6. The discless Slim coming this year is probably even cheaper to make. While MS is stuck with an unrevised Series X. The fact they can't afford to make a discless X revision due to S shows what a blunder their whole planning was.
  7. PS5 Pro patch is the real question. It's already 120fps this is going to look amazeballs.
  8. Switch, PS5 and PC. What an amazing game. Ys X Nordics also looks amazing.
  9. Shows how badly designed the X is. PS5 matches it and outperforms it at times while costing less to make.
  10. So much for no need for a Pro. Told everyone non cross gen games would tank framerates and resolutions.
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