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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Pompeo is the current head of the CIA. What do you exoect him to say exactly.
  2. I'd be banned 100000x times over on any liberal forum.
  3. The PS2 disc you own has less scatches than the dicks you took up your ass, Major victory, I'm Russian, I win in the homo department by default.
  4. Lemme dig out my OG XBox or PS2 to play a shittier version at 20x less the resolution and without the updates.
  5. Yes by the time they're grow up you can sent them to a capital of 500k and 2 million country total, that probably doesnt even compare to Oklahoma or some shit.
  6. It doesn't work like that first of all, the best the topplers of the regime could do is a semi puppet regime that will fill the same role. Probably even worse since the current NK regime actually wants to live in the country and any new regime would just rob them blind and bail. The whole arguement that it's for the people is comical.
  7. Also back to Vini, these are official stats, real ones are way worst. Fast google. https://www.google.ru/search?newwindow=1&client=opera&ei=sn-7W_OvN6-OmgXWk6O4Dw&q=georgia+population&oq=georgia+population&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i67k1j0l9.21744.25416.0.25857. 1991 - 4.9111 2015+ - 3.717 Even officially that over ONE million who bailed on Georgia. Tbilisi is one of the rare capital cities that is experiencing a population decline.
  8. Don't worry the average Western democracy would call mud cookie eating, liberation regardless,
  9. Honestly all you lemfags started to defend the streaming future at the drop of a hat. Now eat up the consequences full spoon. That's how it is.
  10. Dynamitecop has been arguing that Switch isnt the "real" console competition for 2 years at the NPD, but all of a sudden it is when it comes to MS's streaming service. lmao.
  11. There is nothing voliatile about NK. Irrevant of what your media shows, the NK leadership is rational and hard caculating. But when the US deal for them is John Bolton's you'll be the next Libya, of course they will pass. They need gurantees that are bulletproof.
  12. How many countries have the US have meddled for things to be better exactly? Pueroto Rico is essentially is a state of the US by they let them default, and neighbouring Haiti is eating mud cookies. The US will never meddle without a clear geopolitical goal, and they sure as fuck aren't feeding them.
  13. Current SK is a US controlled regime. SK and NK are pawns. They're can't be viewed as anything other than a US proxy vs a Chinese proxy. The ideal scenario for the US is a unified Korean under US dictate that rids of it military might and serves nothing else other than an offensive buffer and attack point on the border of China. That's it. Preferably with missiles on the Chinese borders. If NK was located next to Chad and Uganda no one would ever pay attention to it. The importance is proximity next to China a world power.
  14. True no need. Just check how Georgia's population went from 5 million to 4 million and the population keeps evaporating, because they want to live in this "beautiful amazing" country. Simple 10 second wiki, the real statstics are even worse. It's minus one million from 5 to 4 million in 25 years. 1 million evaporated into thin air, its even hard to google when all you get is the result of the state of georgia. That's the cherry on top.
  15. I also grew up in Greece, where the "proud" cacuas кавказ georgian/armenian whatever they were fuck they were \put on women skirts after working all day at a constriction yard to get fucked on a tranny street in thessaloniki or fuck some hair greek ass. I know this to well for you to bullshit me here. If you ask the average person where Georgia is located he won't know if it's next to Uganda or Bolivia. You guys should try that little sakartvelo experiment for fun. I had a Georgian chick from moscow that fucked a dude from Spain, she said OMG EVERYONE KNOWS WHERE GEORGIA IS... I to
  16. Yes I've heard. No one in the world gives a fuck what its called in Georgia. It's already confusing enough for a little plastered "country" between Russia, Turkey and Armenian (Another irrelevant shithole by the way). Also you should check up by the number of Georgian prostitutes that just bailed the fuck out of no heated water Georgia in the 90s to work as prostitutes in Turkey. All the Russian prostitute rings were too flooded by Ukrainians, Belorussians, Kazah and Kyrgyz to even compete.
  17. So they're going to live in Giorgistan (Turkish name, half the businesses in Tbilisi are owned by Turks anyways) and then somehow magically teleport into a US college with an unapproved or recognized Georgian diploma (University lmao). Who are you kidding here. If they got a Georgian diploma their option isnt the US. It's crawling to Turkey or Mother Russia.
  18. You're not a patriot. You sit on the other side of the atlantic and fight a keyboard war. You will never live in Georgia. Your children if you ever have them won't be able to speak a word of Georgian. This is a country btw where people are massively immigrating to fucking Turkey, cause the country is that ghetto. You can lie to me, there are 200k Georgians in Moscow just one city, when the population of the country is 4 million. I talked to multiple girls how it is, and they arent trans atlantic keyboard warriors unlike you.
  19. Multiple insiders have said the streaming is coming to Switch, espcially since they don't view it as direct competition. Stop playing dumb.
  20. Also can someone explain to me why some random Georgian that won a green card lottery, and then sailed in on a boat is an great american patriot of US imperiliasm.
  21. PS4/PS5 right now are off the table. But multiple insiders have confirmed an XBox streaming app is coming to Switch, So yeah, sorry lems, while you compare Tomb Raider and Ass Creed between Pro and X, the sheep have already beaten your ass.
  22. Yes because all the billions the US throws at the CIA, other intelligence agencies, the whole diplomatic core spread around the world that cost 100s of billions of dollars are made of retards, and apparently Trump, all his advisors are more retarded than you.
  23. I didnt swear once. Your "opinions" are such non sense that they don't even require a semi thought out arguement. If I mix vodka with LSD and Cocaine I'd give better analysis that though. That require "brain power" on your end.
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