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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. The synopsis for the story: One of the male characters revealed called Reycho A curious boy who sticks his nose into everything. He steps up to the plate in a crisis situation, not because he is courageous, but only because he is not aware of the potential risks. He is definitely a brat, in both good and bad ways. He is an immature and naive boy… and oblivious when it comes to girls.One of the female characters revealed, Vanilla: A happy, but crazy, scatterbrained, and ditsy girl. She is totally off-key and usually ignored by others. She plays dumb, but a
  2. Xbox One 2013 launch. Scorpio launch 2017. 4 years, almost half a decade. STFD.
  3. For half a decade lemmings didn't give a shit, if this wasn't the case, we might have taken you seriously.
  4. I honestly think you're the only one that thinks the Switch needs a hardware revision powerwise to remain "Competitive"
  5. It could end up just being a simple screen and battery revision or something.
  6. No you remain it to Switch Go or Switch Portable or something, case closed.
  7. It's gonna be PS4 to Pro IF it happens, anything else is silly.
  8. Nintendo isnt in a hurry to "improve" hardware, it's pointless, expensive and will give no results in practice.
  9. I dont think this will be a power revision, maybe a portable only solution or some other shit.
  10. Like Layers of Fear in 2 days? STFD. https://limitedrungames.com/products/limited-run-181-layers-of-fear-ps4
  11. This guy can't be serious, with all the games PS4 is getting, especially tens of limited prints and niche games why in the name of fuck would I even give a remote fuck about X.
  12. This is a very relevant issue when you're in Estonia I guess, since nothing of meaning happens there.
  13. Well on Sony's part PS5 games will take an even longer time to develop. But more importantly, Sony is seeing massive financial successes with Horizon, Spiderman, God of War etc. They make way more money than they invest. It's just business.
  14. Many people would skip God of War if it had a $30 season pass at full $60 launch price. Also better to make studios make MORE games, than waste time on half assed post content.
  15. Of course it's fine. Death Stranding will also be fine on PS4. Just not many people give a shit.
  16. Sony is opening an AAA studio in Santa Monica that is apparently going to take over Uncharted. Guerilla is expanding to a two team game, Horizon + New IP. They are opening THREE big budget VR studios. Insomiac and Quantum Dream are expanding, they are basically Sony studios. That's what we know, there is probably more. Except people hype games, not job listings and unknown studios.
  17. Are you seriously comparing a Nintendo system to a Playstation system in terms of first party software importance? Also it's merely ONE of the factors.
  18. Zelda on Switch or bust. I have no idea how a person that bought a Wii U would NOT get a Switch. I bet if they canned the Wii U version very few people would even care. Its the fucking Wii U, not a PS4 that's going to hit 100+ million sold.
  19. God dammit Playstation 4 STOP OWNING SO HARD. I cant play all these games.
  20. How many times does some AAA budget SP game get announced with a $30 season pass? All the time. God of War - Zero DLC. Nothing at all even with its insane sales. Detroit - No DLC. They're working on the next game Spiderman - This is getting some DLC but nothing offensive as pre order with $30 season pass. SOTC - Self explanatory. Uncharted 4 - No SP DLC. Full single player release later of Lost Legacy. Ratchet and Clank - No DLC/Expansion Gravity Rush - No DLC/Expansion. Only major one was Horizon that broke the trend. It
  21. Get real though playing Zelda on a Wii U is as lame as playing TLOU2 if its cross gen on PS5.
  22. Darksiders 3 comes out November 27 for PC, PS4, Xbox One
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