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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. The future installments aren't going to be exclusive. Also means the 3DS ones will come later.
  2. No it doesn't. When Indigo Prophecy in 2005 on PS2 was done better, you fucking SUCK.
  3. So apparently Ubi is picking them ALL up. Expect some shitty Ass Creed story games, jesus what can you even do with the Ass Creed storyline.
  4. This just reconfirms MHW, RE2 and DMC5 arent on Switch cause of hardware. Not a Capcom anti Nintendo hating conspiracy.
  5. I never want From to do sequels, every world is intresting, unique and mysterious each time. The Demon Souls to Dark Souls world change was very interesting even if the weapons and gameplay are similiar. For example I never want to see Bloodborne 2.
  6. Yes and no one used antibiotics till they were invented and cars. Neither were your fucking Nintendo gimphelds. Talking to friends on how you will meet them and getting there faster >> Playing Mario Party with them.
  7. LOL no. I just have problems to coming back to DLC after I beat a game 9 months after, it's inconveninet.
  8. Japanese version will include English, and since the Japanese version is guaranteed to get a physical release... WINNING
  9. Just don't use facebook. Have a small circle of whatapp circles that you can call any time and meet. This is an anti social media video, not an anti smartphone video. How can someone that travels even across his city NOT have google maps for fucks sake, or a map of your subway/metro routes.
  10. I know him for 12 years he went to study in Japan and is in the game industry.
  11. https://personacentral.com/catherine-full-body-western-release-confirmed-to-have-english-japanese-audio-efigs-subtitles/ They are even adding an extra voice on top of 2 year dev time the content
  12. If Spiderman, God of War, Detroit, and a less extent shit like Dragon Quest XI, Yakuza 6 etc didn't happen there would be Pros in stock. It's that easy.
  13. Sony should consider $500 for their next revision on PS5, if they can get the price of that thing down to $450 first year and $400 second year. Otherwise $400.
  14. And costs 500+. This is what I call a REAL Premium system. https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=sr_nr_n_1?fst=p90x%3A1%2Cas%3Aoff&rh=n%3A6427871011%2Ck%3Aplaystation+4+pro&keywords=playstation+4+pro&ie=UTF8&qid=1537563614&rnid=2941120011 450 on Eurostores https://www.amazon.fr/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2/262-8896982-4797832?__mk_fr_FR=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=playstation+4+pro
  15. They didnt add cardboard addons? I refuse to believe that, you probably get a free crayon to color them in.
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