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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. That's different. It's a Trump is going to get impeached any day now (for about a year) thread.
  2. This guy is just trolling at this point, I dont think he even owns a Switch.
  3. They didnt even change them when they joined the EU. 1. The constitution forbids the building of Mosques. 2. You cannot serve in the army outside of conscription if you are Muslim. If you aren't Christian Orthodox you can't get an officer rank or position.
  4. They always add the same lame ass sentimental crap that doesnt belong in the IPs they pick up. It'd B rate story telling, its supposed to make you care, but it just doesn't fit, and fucks the pacing.
  5. 15’s original director, Tetsuya Nomura, admitted to toying with the idea of turning the game into a musical after seeing Tom Hooper’s adaptation of Les Misérables. wow
  6. LOL are they really hoping for major sales in Japan on PS4? This game has bomb written all over it even if good, better have a reasonable budget.
  7. Game releases in 2016, finale is coming 2019. I love you Tabata. I'm never buying your FF game again. " Link: https://www.polygon.com/features/20...me-tabata-final-fantasy-15-finale-dlc-larping"
  8. For Infinite apparently half the creative team left half way through and they got the Gears 4 director (LOL) to finish it.
  9. I hear the game doesn't even have its MP component, that's coming "later" sounds encouraging...
  10. You can even play NES and SNES emulation in a fucking BROWSER.
  11. Here is a useless piece of garbage with 20 ROM dumps, that takes up take place in under your TV eats up your free HDMI ports. You have 10 bricks under your TVs. SNES without Chrono Trigger, Terraenigma. Also here is a gimp ass NES controller with 1984 ergonomics, a PS1 controller without analogs. I can get a $20 Megadrive/Genesis collection on PS4 on a disc with 50 games, or a disc with 10 megaman games. Collect the real thing with classic collection discs, what is this cuck bullshit.
  12. Uncharted started off as Dude Raider before it got a named at E3 2005, now Tomb Raider is a hobo's Uncharted.
  13. Everyone will hate this game in a month when 1/3 of it will be pressing X over and over again on a horse listen to some inane "Oscar Worthy" dialogue.
  14. OG and 2 aren't even in the same league. 2 is infinitely better. I'll get Death of The Outsider later.
  15. Bloodborne >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>&
  16. Remij just get this lame ass game on PS4, and sell it off for $30 bucks after. The BEAUTY of disc releases.
  17. Tomb Raider aged like fine wine even with the shit controls because everything else was so well designed, a true classic. Tomb Raider post reboot is a decent but forgettable modern game. The downgrade in quality, relevance and uniqueness is obvious. Why do these modern cucks even defend this shit, the franchise went from one of the greats, to $20 discount fodder.
  18. Tomb Raider was a gaunlet of deadly platforming, traps, puzzles, enviromental death. Modern Tomb Raider is Gears of War in the jungle with some tacked on shit for everything else.
  19. As a person that got Tomb Raider in 1996 I can see why it has tanked, the sequels were rushed and outsourced. Angel of Darkness was such trash it killed the studio. Why would the PS1 era fans that bought million of Tomb Raider copies, EVER return to the modern Tomb Raider. It has almost nothing in commion.
  20. Rockstar has been pretty anal about remasters and extremely inconsistent. They won't even bother to do a patch lol for Pro or X with it selling millions a year still and having a huge ass online community. Where are our GTA patches and that had a rerelease this year in store shelves with come complete edition bullshit. They remastered LA Niore released it on Switch, but not GTA5. Explain the logic behind this.
  21. Americans can add US stuff, I'll do the Eurotrash part.
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