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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. PS4 gets Spiderman, Dragon Quest XI the same week as Tomb Raider, yet Tomb Raider PS4 outsells XBox. What the fuck lemcils.
  2. Shadow of the Tomb Raider is not even in the top 24 most played Xbox games for last week in the US. Must be a big disappointment sales wise. NBA 2K19 is #2 for comparison.https://www.resetera.com/threads/xb...week-38-so-i-heard-you-like-basketball.69025
  3. Of course it's flopping, it has a much higher budget than the other TR games, so even just matching them is failure.
  4. Saint Mary worked her magic. As a true Orthodox Chritian I thank her.
  5. It worked. I said I would take her to an Orthodox Christian Church. She came in. I took her to an icon of Saint Mary. Said this is the mother of Christ himself, I said as a Muslim she can't light the candle, but together we can. She accepted and vagina tingles 100x. Moral of the story? Stop being a faggot and use your Christian faith.
  6. I told her two demands. 1. Never forget I'm Russian. 2. Never forget I'm Christian Orthodox. Looks like the Muslim chick accepted both. Just had to make this CLEAR,
  7. She either accepts my rules or can play with a Muhamed dildo.
  8. So I made a demand to the Muslim girl. Either goes with she goes with me to an Orthodox Christian church together, or I never want to see her again.
  9. I actually agree, a company isn't going to make God of War, Spiderman, Horizon, SOTC fodder $10 TRASH
  10. Post Soviet Countries want to ban Victor Tsoi as part of RUSSIAN IMPERIAL CULTURE. He is THAT AMAZING AND GODLY... While being Korean. LMAO @ Western propoganda. https://24-my.info/viatrovych-believes-that-ukraine-should-be-banned-visotsky-and-tsoi/
  11. LOL @ People trying to pull "Russia is a White Supremists" culture when one of our greatest is a fucking KOREAN (North Korean). Go fuck yourself Hilary
  12. Racing games are the bottom of the barrel genres as well. It's literally impossible to eat up a racing game EVERY year, especially as your only titles. I remember bailing on 360 in 2009, and dear lord it was impossbile to live with endless Gears/Halo/Forza and thats when Halo and Gears were at their best.
  13. This is a game that NEEDS to be played on hard. I got butchered so many times and the game took 3x as long, but if you aren't playing hard you're missing out IMO. But holy shit were those dodging angel things that cause blurry fog fucking IMPOSSIBLE.
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