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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Their boss said they don't care if a remaster makes $50k in a year, they will remaster. THEY ARE GODS.
  2. MS preparing that third party audience for the XBox Stream app of Ditch
  3. LOL Team Remaster keeps winning. At this rate they'll own all the abandoned remaster material in a few years.
  4. Easily half of what could have been if they launched at the same time, also requires PSN+ unlike Fortnite. I see a lot of people not switching cause they cant get their friends to pay for it.
  5. They fucked up, other Battle Royal games on PS4 are going to eat it's lunch
  6. LOL do you "Chrisitan" fucks really view yourself infeiour to Muslims? Us Orthodox can put Muslim bitches in their place and make them RESPECT us as the man and father of the relationship. We aren't weaker than them, they dictate nothing. We are the men and decide.
  7. All the current girl options I have are Muslim. I take them to an Orthodox Church and make them put a candle with me (Since they can't) in front of St Mary. We have to put it together. Obviously Saint Mary is a saint for women. So they love it.
  8. It's IRL Russian logic. It works here. 30 years old is used and abused goods. Zero value.
  9. I simply recalled my mother's words (LOL Sorry for that). I just say my mother at the age of 30 had her tits fill with milk WITHOUT a child. It makes all these 30 years bitches old panic in their pre menopause shit. It's FUCKING GOLD.
  10. Ohh noes. They can't make XBox masterpieces on the level of Dead Rising 3 and 4?
  11. Every XBox game is on PC this year, lmao even Bodycount admitted defeat.
  12. Gonna be better than the current NMH. The PS360 version was vastly improved thats the one they need to port. Also no need for a Wii. Thank fuck.
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