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Playstation Tablet

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Posts posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. 3 minutes ago, McWickedSmawt85 said:

    Can we just make an "Official SJW Hate" thread?  'Cause if we don't, I'm going to start making new threads for literally every single goddamned thing Trump does.  I'll just copy/paste them from /r/politics.  No more sticking to the politics thread; it's gonna be a liberal bukkake.


    @Alphonse @Cookester15 @-GD- @Remij_ @Goukosan


    Says the dude with mickey mouse world views.

  2. 41 minutes ago, SheepKilla said:

    Aza, pull a Tsoi on that bitch on the date. Show up in a 1990s jacket, pale blue jeans, and white sneakers. 

    LOL @ People trying to pull "Russia is a White Supremists" culture when one of our greatest is a fucking KOREAN (North Korean). Go fuck yourself Hilary



  3. 1 minute ago, TLHBO said:

    but hey, the yearly forza rehash is right around the corner :cruise:


    All gamers need is Forza right?

    Racing games are the bottom of the barrel genres as well. It's literally impossible to eat up a racing game EVERY year, especially as your only titles.


    I remember bailing on 360 in 2009, and dear lord it was impossbile to live with endless Gears/Halo/Forza and thats when Halo and Gears were at their best.

  4. 29 minutes ago, Bodycount NX said:

    let's recap this week in games:


    spiderman releases

    dragon quest 11 releases {Xcluded}

    week long beta for cod bo4 on PS4

    judge eyes announced {Xcluded)

    catherine full body announced (Xcluded)

    resonance of fate remaster (Xcluded)

    katamari remaster announced (Switch exclusive)

    10 final fantasy ports announced (half are not on xbox one)



    "im saving xbox"

    No worries BC, Switch will be bringing on the heat. :whew:

  5. 3 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    There's nothing to collect on any of these systems, a bunch of weaboo shit no one cares about are not collectable. A bunch of forced limited prints of indie games are not collectable. 

    The Furi print of Switch will worth half your X and as well Night Trap. Stfu. There are tons of limited prints that aren't "forced".

  6. Bayonetta 2 feels like it had a troubled development. Its pathetically short compared to the OG, terrible boss designs with flying negating all your normal abilities making them pointless. It's nowhere near God of War, and that's from a person that thought OG Bayo shit all over GOW3.


    Now Bayonetta 3 with a budget and time is another thing.

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