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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Dark Souls XBox One vs Switch should tell you all you need to know.
  2. There are just not enough AAA or even mid tier Japanese games. Ace Attorney, Dragon Quest, and Monster Hunter moving to consoles is a huge blow to it after the DS/3DS.
  3. I dont understand why its not on Switch, not that I really care.
  4. When mobile hardware can match the Pro, more or less. Also Switch is mainly good for EXCLUSIVES, so the hardware factor is disappointing, but it doesnt really matter.
  5. Using this amazing logic, don't buy anything, buy your house in the cloud.
  6. I'm sorry I'm playing your other JRPG Sega. That came out a month ago. Shining Resosance Refrain, you really think we can play ALL and DQXI that's 50+ hours long?
  7. Shoegaze is white cuck music, you can't make it with your dick up when she's around. Tyrone needs to be fucking her somewhere else, or the real Shoegaze won't come.
  8. These fuckers are pushing 60 years old, look at that FUCKING AUDIENCE. While Beta cucks listen indie to shit like Shoegaze that gets pussy dry, and Chad and Tyrone fuck their GFs, if they're lucky Tyrone and Chad fuck them in the ass.
  9. Astrobot sure as fuck will beat out Recore and Super Lucky Tale. Fuck you lemshit.
  10. The headset war is lame, we already have a console war, adding VR exclusivity battles between seperate headsets is lame as fuck.
  11. I start to lose interest very fast, and have very low tolerane now for bullshit and games.
  12. No one here even noticed Forza outside of two idiots lmao.
  13. PS4 and Switch don't require a PSN/Nintendo Online to play Fornite. Fortnite requires XBL. DISGUSTING GAMER HATING COMPANY POLICY. We need to PROTEST MS!
  14. Gears 6 and Halo 7 cross play between PS5 and Xcuck, sounds good. Sony preparing for that MS multiplat future. TLHBR.
  15. No way. Sony has exclusive content. Thats not happening and a marketing deal.
  16. The excuses are irrelevant when in reality all the people bitching were never planning to use it in the first place. Sony probably did market research and found out that 0.5% people actually cross play and said fuck it. Let's turn it on.
  17. On that other big gaming forum where they had a 100 page thread about no cross play, no everyone is discussing how bad Sony's ex-excuses where. No one actually says yes I'm going to cross play now. LMAO proving the point further.
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