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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Holy shit a 10 minute trailer, I thought we'd get a 10 second teaser with a logo. But the Yakushit team is giving us new Yakuza games, amazing remakes, First of the North Star Game!!!, and a new IP. Best studio in the business.
  2. Honestly I don't think anyone really gives a shit. The last two Tomb Raider games were decent $20 material, and this apparently might be the worst of the recent ones with a new Team B.
  3. Franchise that started on Playstation. A game that's on PS4. I'll just get it with all DLC for $20, big deal.
  4. Dude beat the game on PS4, but apparently it's an Anti XBox conspiracy. Makes perfect sense.
  5. Really eager to see PS5's defaul controller. That will be multi functional while this seems only for VR. I'm still curious about the Dualshock branding though, thats the branding of a standard controller, not a VR controller.
  6. When it flops everywhere else, is it still going to be a conspiracy. Also it's a fucking multiplat, jesus.
  7. It really got a 6/10, guess it's Montreal Team B now that it's not Crystal Dynamics.
  8. None. No one is updating their games to support this. It needs to be BC with the Move games or it's fucked.
  9. I have a VERY hard time believing a new controller two years after the PSVR's launch without a new headset will not be compatible with existing games. Sounds insane. That basically resets the PSVR user base to zero from 3 million.
  10. Dave we'll know in two weeks lol, it's not like we got to wait till late 2019 for a PS5 launch. I still wonder if they will do a tablet for this, or it's saved for the PS5 controller.
  11. Where is Ramza, he'll probably like it. Notice it's a Dualshock, not a controller branded VR. It's very possibe it will be able to replace standard controllers, but I don't see a Dpad.
  12. And David told me to get a PSVR with move lol. If this is PS4, it means it has some lights at the front to replace the move shit.
  13. I didn't expect it for PS4 this early, but makes sense I guess. I expected it to be PS5 only actually. I think they might save the streaming for PS5 though since PS4 doesn't have proper decoding hardware... or maybe only the tablet needs decoding hard? I honestly don't fucking know.
  14. What if Marcus Fenix disovers his true sell at the age of 50 as a genderfluid tras woman! He just was supressing his true LGBT nature all the way to his 30s!
  15. Gay Kratos Thread https://www.resetera.com/threads/what-if-kratos-from-god-of-war-was-gay.67387/ vs Straight Ellie https://www.resetera.com/threads/what-if-ellie-from-the-last-of-us-was-straight.67421/ SJWs, look at the hypocrisy, double standards, and pure ideological bullshit. Watch the Straight Ellie thread get locked.
  16. Masafumi Takada - Danganronpa composer might be onboard. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Masafumi_Takada
  17. CPU =/= Framerate jesus christ. There a multiple other bottlenecks you can hit even if you have a powerful CPU. Your concept of "balance" resulting in 60fps is idiotic.
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