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Playstation Tablet

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Posts posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. 1 minute ago, Goukosan said:

    Franchise started on PC, Saturn and PS1. 


    It was never an exclusive series. 

    Honestly I don't think anyone really gives a shit. The last two Tomb Raider games were decent $20 material, and this apparently might be the worst of the recent ones with a new Team B.

  2. Just now, DynamiteCop! said:
    • He just reviewed the biggest game of the year a few days ago which left almost no time to properly review this: Fact
    • He doesn't discuss a single aspect of this games story and talks only about mechanics which is something that can be done without completing the story: Fact
    • He's playing and Xbox marketed game on a PS4 Pro when he has access to an Xbox One X which is better hardware: Fact


    The writing is on the wall, they left this game to die, gave it no proper time to actually be reviewed and are shilling Sony hardware in the review.



    You're serious? :D 

  3. 1 minute ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Things like this are really tricky to handle because the games themselves will need to have coded support for it which is something they won't. This is like when Sony introduced the Dual Analog controller three years after the system launched, no games before it released were supported and few dev's re-released their games to account for it. It may be easier now with the internet and pushing out an update for it, but how many developers are actually going to do that?

    None. No one is updating their games to support this. It needs to be BC with the Move games or it's fucked.

  4. 41149359_2166177440337775_16350913351678





    As a countdown to the live stream, Too Kyo Games will be publishing videos of other game creators who know its own noted creator well. The first video features Square Enix’s Yosuke Saito, who says, “Actually, (redacted) asked me for advice about this a while ago, like ‘But wouldn’t this be good? Wouldn’t this be good?’ Since what I told that person then is connected to now, if I can get back like 10 percent or so, it will all be worth it. Please make sure everyone has fun.” Saito seems to be joking about giving this creator advice on starting up a company, and now wants a cut in return.

    The company’s first tweet describes the studio as “Too crazy games, anime, and entertainment, from Tokyo to the world.” The Japanese description of “too crazy” used in the tweet is “狂イ過ギ,” which itself is very eccentric. It is only speculation at this point, but the eccentric wording combined with Yosuke Saito being one of the creators who knows Too Kyo Games’ noted creator well seem to indicate that the company is led by NieR director Yoko Taro. Saito previously worked closely with Taro on NieR: Automata.


    TGS is getting fun. :glad:


  5. 6 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    This changes everything, the CPU bottlenecks the entire system. A powerful GPU with a weak CPU will still allow you to push high resolution renders with high settings but you're going to be bottlenecked and limited in framerate potential. Take the Xbox One X for example, if they were able to get a Ryzen CPU in that system all of these 30 FPS games it's been getting enhanced would be almost universally able to shift to 60. The imbalance is extremely powerful GPU's coupled with CPU's which neuter overall system performance. A Ryzen based processor would be at least a 150% increase in CPU computational capability. 


    GPU computation is not a present bottleneck, memory bandwidth is not a present bottleneck (for Xbox One X at least), its only real downside is the limits of its CPU and that is what is constraining its ability to push higher framerates. Microsoft's hardware development team have outpaced Sony in engineering ability, their obvious goal for next-gen will be to create a system that possesses harmonious operation across the GPU, CPU and RAM with no intrinsic part of the package limiting the other. 


    60 FPS won't be some rare occurrence for them, you should however be worried about what Sony is going to do. 

    CPU =/= Framerate jesus christ. There a multiple other bottlenecks you can hit even if you have a powerful CPU.

    Your concept of "balance" resulting in 60fps is idiotic.

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