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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. My name was suppoed to be RostiSlav, BorisSlav, or StaniSlav. But they named me after Tsoi. Victor. I will always love him.
  2. Thats his 80s song demanding change in the Soviet Union. Legendary.
  3. I don't care. He's Victor Tsoi, and will be remembered for generations.
  4. His father was Korean, mother Russian. But bu teh Russian white supremisist! Fucking Western propoganda.
  5. He understand he just got gutted in the stomach and will bleed out, and continues smoking his cigarrete. This is from a movie (Was also in GTA4 Soundtrack) Another 90s Movie film with him at and his song. It's about a non corrupted cop getting butchered by local criminals. Poor girl is with him. You can see him in her watching the TV with Victor Tsoi).
  6. PS5 comes out, and EVERYONE GOES GETS an X LMAO. When they chose a Pro over it. Wake up in reality please.
  7. Irrelevant. One of the BEST GAME EVER. I got it on PS3 expecting nothing, and the start was bullshit, But when I finished the true ending my fucking heart was crying.
  8. Or go on a low carb diet lol. You can easily lose 2 kilos a month by playing your dick. Losing weight has nothing to do with exercise.
  9. I'm a Russian. Explain to me exactly why racial $$$ distrobution needs to be equal.
  10. Wish I could try it. But I prefer Cognac from the strong alcohols.
  11. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lacryma_Christi The Russian Tsars brought the vines, made them a part of Crimean wine culture over the decades. The favorite wine of Tsar Nicholai's wife. So I can get it freely in Crimea.
  12. Says the dude without a fucking smartphone, you don't have viber and whatapps. You are a social degenerate by default.
  13. The microtransactions being significant has been debunked btw. Still PS5 version for me with DLC.
  14. Carrying his Switch to play Mario Party outside while having no smartphone is great social Holyax advice.
  15. People mix all the time because they like each other, and often make a good couple and its the best guy the girl can choose out of what she has. Also the children are of no fault what their parent's race is.
  16. I think Dynamite's genetic talk is a bit overboard even for me.
  17. So all races have the right to a privelege according to leftists, but a race doesn't have a right to survival or an identity. But dudes shoving dicks up their asses, are apparently something very important.
  18. He never ever said that, he only said women should be encouraged in these roles if they choose to. This is not a good thing.
  19. "A feminist blogger in Russia faces five years in prison under a charge of “inciting hatred” " Thats how it's done.
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