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Playstation Tablet

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Posts posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. 3 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    That may be the PlayStation 5's fate but don't pin Microsoft to those ends. Phil already openly acknowledged the CPU imbalance and the need to correct that so you can expect that to not be Xbox's reality. 

    Every retard in existence has acknowledged a CPU imbalance, this changes absolutely nothing. Framerate can be constraint by anything from the GPU horse power to memory bandwidth to the CPU. Fixing an imbalance doesn;t mean 60fps games.

    It just means it can hit other bottlenecks.

  2. Platforms for Project Awakening have yet to be announced. However, Cygames Osaka was established in 2015 with a focus on PlayStation 4 development. Its team includes Junji Tago, who was the technical director of the Fox Engine at Konami’s Kojima Productions.

    There wasn’t much to the game shown, but the footage was impressive looking. The development team includes Junji Tago, who was the technical director at Kojima Productions working on the Fox Engine, and it definitely shows in the game’s graphics. While CyGames didn’t confirm platforms, the short trailer we saw looked a step above a lot of current gen games.

    The trailer showed a fantasy knight, not in any way tied to Cygames’ popular Granblue Fantasy series, in a crumbled stone arena. He fights a scaly lizard-like monster that Cygames pointed out moves realistically. The fighting seemed like a hybrid of different influences like Monster Hunter and Dragon’s Dogma, but Cygames shied away from confirming any specific titles as inspirations.



    Looks like Cygames is buying up all the Konami dev talent.





  3. They are funding two super high budget games for PS4 (Probably coming to PC)


    Granblue Fantasia for PS4, the game with the highest budget Platinum ever had with the longest dev time.


    Project Awakening another high budget Japanese game



    They are also the one funding and developing the Zone of Enders 2 remaster with VR, AND are looking into reviving ZOE3.






    They announce all their  games at TGS, which is in 2 weeks. They might pick up more Konami games and fund more crazy shit. Chances of remasters are extremely high as well, the games are sitting rotting away on ancient consoles.

  4. 11 hours ago, Ramza said:

    Maybe you should buy a PSVR headset first you dumb fuck. 


    PSVR2 is not going be to backward compatible and if by any chance it is (it's not happening you stupid Russian pervert), you'll still need a PS camera and PS move controllers. 


    Support VR gaming on Playstation now you worthless sack of shit. And stop buying so many shitty games just because they got a physical release, I bet you don't even play half of the trash you bought, you retarded mongrel. 


    Fuck you.

    Lord Sony needs to see my support in software sales first and foremost, the hardware will come. I buy more PSVR games than most PSVR owner. :ben:

  5. https://www.play-asia.com/darius-cozmic-collection/13/70c5fx


    • Darius (Arcade)
    • Darius II (Arade)
    • Sagaia (Arcade)
    • Darius Gaiden (Arcade)
    • Darius Twin (Super Famicom) – special edition-only
    • Darius Force (Super Famicom) – special edition-only
    • Sagaia (Sega Master System) – special edition-only
    • Darius II (Mega Drive) – special edition-only
    • Darius Alpha (PC Engine) – special edition-only
  6. 1 minute ago, Bodycount NX said:

    it's very convenient for me right now as I don't have much space or time. I can play maybe 1h before bed, that's the lifestyle I have right now. Switch is the only platform that fits. It also limits my time playing i find, not attached to the TV you tend to play less. 


    also, funny I never use mine docked. Always portable. the kickstand + being able to detach the joycons + use them as a controller (+the controller grip) is incredible. Laying in bed you can take the controller apart and stand the switch on a notebook, joy cons in each hand.


    It;s incredible from an industrial design standpoint. It's modular as fuck. You can use it any way you want. It's fucking incredible.

    I was a non believer at first as well. Though it looked lame... I was wrong. Also helps that when Switch gets a good game... it's actually a good game. A 10 game on Switch is a real 10. Bayonetta 2 is fucking mindblowing. Zelda is great. Haven't played mario yet but i assume it's good because this isn't a Sony system and the games don't getautomatically overrated. Bayonetta 2 is a 10, a true 10, not an uncharted 4/god of war 'fake' 10/shill score. That's the difference.




    picture this:




    had to work on some shit. played bayonetta 2 in between.




    Resi 7 streamed via cloud. WOW! the future is here. time for controller attachment.




    the fucking straps have two shoulder buttons built in. :wow: Can easily do 2 players Wild Guns on the fly with someone sitting next to you. 




    the convenience is unmatched on this thing, it can do anything you want. Plug in into the TV if that's your thing.


    all in all the design is fucking brilliant and i haven't liked a Nintendo product since the gamecube. going to get a lot more play time out of this in the future.


    In the future it's only going to get worse. A game being on Switch is literally the difference between me playing it or not. I pre-ordered Vesperia for it though i was dead set on getting it for xbox, i just won't have tim to play it there. I'll probably get doom eternal as well. If they make a switch version I'd get that over xbox or ps4 right now in a heartbeat, the graphics aren't an issue, will I have time/ be able to play it or not is the question. Only if it's for switch. :glad:




    That "dpad" though without a Pro controller.

  7. Portable mode is terrible, unusable, the controls are awful especially the right, but it's a great functionality regardless because games that don't use the right analog play fine.


    The graphics are a hit and miss, perfect for niche Japanese games like Octopath, and complete shit for everything else.


    The Pro controller is fantastic but the but the Dpad is shit.


    I love this console on one hand, and at the same time it's shit on the other. In the end exclusive software beats all so Switch is a winner in my eyes.

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