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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Tokyo Chronos… When, and why, have we become separated? A group of eight childhood friends — The time has come for the truth to be revealed. Trapped in an empty, deserted Shibuya where time has frozen over. A strange world where the eight disappear one by one.
  2. Gynacop. “Forza Horizon 4 is a graphical showcase for Xbox One X,” Fulton told GamingBolt, “giving players a chance to see the console’s power through both 4K/30 FPS or 1080p/60 FPS options.” “With Forza Horizon 4, our goal was to give players a fun adventure within our open shared world with dynamic weather and changing seasons, regardless of platform,” he said when speaking of how they’ve made use of the added powers of the One X, before going on to discuss visual options on PC as well (which have already been confirmed). “Players on Xbox One X and high-end Windows
  3. Non binary and bi. GOGOGO. Everything now needs to be a liberal political agenda.
  4. Pre Christian Slavic mythology needs to be politically correct. Abdul needs to be there.
  5. https://www.resetera.com/threads/ciri-in-netflix-witcher-series-probably-wont-be-white.67156/ The retard squad of liberals are already defending it, and calling everyone who's against it racist and bigot. Next up Asian Nathan Drake and Arab Solid Snake... Just because. A game set in Slavic mythology which is Russia/Poland/Ukraine/Slovakia/Slovenia/Czech etc needs more POC... just because. American SJW retards applying their bullshit to Slavic culture. Only because your liberal Western European country is getting flooded by Mehmed, Muhammed, and Abdul
  6. It has a season pass, not getting it till all that comes out first.
  7. lol I cancelled 5 minutes after I "bought" it. Not through ebay, but directly by going into paypal before the transfer was complete.
  8. I used to lean left in the 2000s before they went fucking insane.
  9. Anyways I'll give it a shot I guess, I traded it in for more than this price.
  10. I do use paypal, but I can't cancel after they get the payment right? Like 30 days limit or some shit.
  11. https://www.ebay.com/itm/The-Legend-of-Zelda-Breath-of-the-Wild-Nintendo-Switch/132772204962?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649 A scam?
  12. I love how the left tries to market it as poor women and children, when 90% of all migrants are 20-30 year old men, and it looks like a fucking army marching in.
  13. You forgot that the left also uses it as a power play, because it dilutes the voting base of the right with the mass migration. It's cynical calculation.
  14. When the fuck is the Nintendo direct, I'm hyped since it's so close to TGS.
  15. Another remaster. This gen is amazing for definitive versions of old games and preservation.
  16. http://speisa.com/modules/articles/index.php/item.454/sweden-to-become-a-third-world-country-by-2030-according-to-un.html This is according to the UN. Libtards killing a country with one of the highest living standards. Sweden's leftist establishment and media believe a cornerstone of their perfect society is multiculturalism: large scale immigration from some of the poorest, most backward nations on earth. Swedes who disagree with that plan risk being labeled racist, fascist, even Nazi. "We had a perfectly good country," Ingrid Carlqvist, a jour
  17. https://www.resetera.com/threads/ace-attorney-panel-announced-for-tgs-16-00-jst-on-september-22nd-40-minutes.66811/ Dear God no 3DS please.
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