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Playstation Tablet

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Posts posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Gynacop. :ben:


        “Forza Horizon 4 is a graphical showcase for Xbox One X,” Fulton told GamingBolt, “giving players a chance to see the console’s power through both 4K/30 FPS or 1080p/60 FPS options.”

        “With Forza Horizon 4, our goal was to give players a fun adventure within our open shared world with dynamic weather and changing seasons, regardless of platform,” he said when speaking of how they’ve made use of the added powers of the One X, before going on to discuss visual options on PC as well (which have already been confirmed). “Players on Xbox One X and high-end Windows 10 PCs will enjoy better graphical fidelity through native 4K resolution, improved textures, HDR, and improved lighting, among other features. With the additional headroom provided by Xbox One X, we are offering players the option to play the game at 60 frames per second at a lower resolution.”

        What about the base Xbox One, though? Well, the game won’t be hitting 4K resolutions or 60 frames there, as you might expect, and you can instead look forward to what are, at least in comparison, much more standard specs. “The base Xbox One version will run at 1080p/30 FPS, delivering on our vision of a vast and beautiful open world of Britain with dynamic seasons,” Fulton said.

  2. 12 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    I just read this shit lol, fucking abhorrent.


    If you want minority characters in stuff then create original works around them, this cleansing of whites from white source material is getting retarded.


    "Bu..bu...but we have to be inclusive"


    At the cost of destroying existing things which are fine as is? Fucking why?

    Pre Christian Slavic mythology needs to be politically correct. Abdul needs to be there. :kaz:

  3. https://www.resetera.com/threads/ciri-in-netflix-witcher-series-probably-wont-be-white.67156/


    The retard squad of liberals are already defending it, and calling everyone who's against it racist and bigot.

    Next up Asian Nathan Drake and Arab Solid Snake... Just because.


    A game set in Slavic mythology which is Russia/Poland/Ukraine/Slovakia/Slovenia/Czech etc needs more POC... just because. American SJW retards applying their bullshit to Slavic culture.


    Only because your liberal Western European country is getting flooded by Mehmed, Muhammed, and Abdul doesn't mean your delusional interpretention of Slavic mythology isn't a joke.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Bodycount NX said:



    raped :D 

    lol I cancelled 5 minutes after I "bought" it.


    Not through ebay, but directly by going into paypal before the transfer was complete.

  5. http://speisa.com/modules/articles/index.php/item.454/sweden-to-become-a-third-world-country-by-2030-according-to-un.html


    This is according to the UN.


    Libtards killing a country with one of the highest living standards.


    Sweden's leftist establishment and media believe a cornerstone of their perfect society is multiculturalism: large scale immigration from some of the poorest, most backward nations on earth. Swedes who disagree with that plan risk being labeled racist, fascist, even Nazi.


    "We had a perfectly good country," Ingrid Carlqvist, a journalist said. "A rich country, a nice country, and in a few years' time, that country will be gone."

    The logic should be really simple to understand, yet many have difficulties grasping it: If you import the Third World, it's what you'll get.


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