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Playstation Tablet

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Posts posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Dat PS5 VR. :glad:


        Sony CEO Kenichiro Yoshida is confident that issues with current VR headsets will be improved upon in the future.

        Speaking to The Independent at the IFA technology conference in Berlin last week, Yoshida outlined many of the common problems with early VR headsets like the company’s own PlayStation VR (PSVR), noting that the tech was “still evolving” at the moment. He noted that the inability to see the world around you when in VR could be “a little bit dangerous” and that motion sickness was still prevalent.


        “So there is a lot of room of room to improve in VR experiences and you will see the change and the improvement,” Yoshida said.

        Yoshida’s comments weren’t specific to PSVR itself, but his words were certainly relevant to the headset, which features a limited 180 degree tracking system for its motion controllers. We’ve got our fingers crossed that the company is planning to improve upon that feature and many, many others in a successor to PSVR, if the company ever decides to make one.


        Also during the interview, Yoshida noted that mixed reality technology was “one potential evolution of VR”, likely referring to headsets like Microsoft’s HoloLens and the recently-launched Magic Leap One. That makes us wonder if Sony has any of its own experiments going on in that space right now and if they could at all be linked to the PlayStation brand. As PS4 enters the later stages of its lifecycle and speculation about a possible PS5 begins to ramp up we’ll be very interested to see where the company also takes this tech.

  2. DlPiWtbU0AASfFQ.jpg


    RPG Site: 10/10

        I truly enjoyed reading 428: Shibuya Scramble all the way through. The English localization team has done a brilliant job bringing over one of the most inventive experiences ever. I can’t emphasize enough that it’s one of the best games I’ve played this year. There's nothing else quite like it, and if you’re a fan of visual novels and creative storytelling in video games you definitely shouldn't miss 428: Shibuya Scramble.



    GamingGamma: 10/10

        The story of 428 Shibuya Scramble is honestly one of the best I’ve read in quite some time. There are only a few games that go from completely serious writing to completely funny writing, and then back to being completely serious or vice versa flawlessly. This game is certainly one of them. 428 Shibuya Scramble has some of the strongest writing I’ve seen in gaming in a long time and it’s a shame something of this caliber has taken this long to reach the western market.






    Playstation Lifestyle: 10/10

        I have never played a game quite like 428: Shibuya Scramble. It’s hands-down the best visual novel I’ve ever experienced. Anything you could want in a visual it offers. Deep character development, a rich, meaningful story, humor, action, romance, you name it! Hell, it even teaches you things!


    JRPG.moe: 5/5

    The way 428: Shibuya Scramble is presented is unlike any other translated title, but if you value games with strong stories you owe it to yourself to not let this creative crime drama fly under the radar. Like Shibuya's scramble crossing, the events are chaotic and the passing moments between characters are sometimes fleeting, but crossing that iconic intersection is one hell of a memorable experience.



  3. Holy shit TLHBR :D


    Gamespot: 9/10

        There have been open-world Spider-Man games before, but none so riveting and full of personality, none that explore and do justice to this many facets of the universe. Insomniac has created a superior Spider-Man experience that leaves a lasting impression, one that has you longing for just one more swing around New York City, even after the credits roll

  4.  I've been told to expect a discrete GPU, but that would mean the PS5 has some beast-like hardware... even on PC standards as we'll only be getting 7nm GPUs with Navi.





    If even remotely true, expect a 500 price tag while PS4 acts as the major seller for the transition period.


    Also 2019, and Navi will be revealed after PS5 so PS5 specs aren't as well covered or known.

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