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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. BOTW's story was embarassing. How did they manage to write a story worse than a Tales game, with less quality voice acting. How the fuck.
  2. The forums will explode with PS5 will be revealed the hype with be epic.
  3. Full March 2019 PS5 reveal without even teaser. Those Sony bastards playing the cocktease game, cause they don't want to hurt PS4 sales.
  4. Team Remaster wins. Seems we keep winning every week now.
  5. WOW it worked. She said we should meet up again somewhere, I'm a great looking guy, but not marriage material but it doesn't matter.
  6. Gonna laugh if it's another Xcluded game like Catherine Full Body.
  7. Well deserved. Best console every gen, and they somehow managed to turn around the PS3 into making 360 and Wii looking like a joke.
  8. I can understand RE7 but ass Creed? Lol? Why not dragon Quest till the actual port comes.
  9. #Team Remaster just keeps on winning and winning.
  10. For the past 6 months Davey Thompson has attended every meeting of his local feminist group. With passionate speeches he has denounced the evils of the male gender and held himself up as an exception. He’s held back tears as he announced that he is a shining light among the scum and how he’s sick and tired of men not being just like him. For the past 6 months Davey Thompson has attended every meeting of his local feminist group. With passionate speeches he has denounced the evils of the male gender and held himself up as an exception. He’s held back tears as he
  11. "Men like me are extremely valuable to feminism. You need me on your side. When I’m at a bar with the guys and someone makes a sexist remark, I’m the first and loudest one to remind them that’s not ok. I’ve lost male friendships sticking up for women and if given the chance, I’d do it all over again. Isn’t that worth a little sugar? I think I’m being pretty reasonable here. If feminists want to keep men like me on the front lines fighting for your equality, the least you could do is throw me a pity fuck once in a while."
  12. If Feminism Is Going to Accomplish Anything, We Male Allies Need to Get Laid More https://medium.com/@johngregory_54143/if-feminism-is-going-to-accomplish-anything-we-male-allies-need-to-get-laid-more-8322c2630b1d "But I have needs, you know? How am I supposed to campaign for women’s rights when the very same women I’m trying to help refuse to give me sex? Is that equality?" Bawahaha
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