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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. My IRL name is Victor guess the surname yourselfs. Also that British poisining is a cheap provocation against Russia, the whole thing magically surfaced two weeks between Putin's election. What a coincedence.
  2. Obvously an insu;t she's a conservative muslim that dresses in lame ass shit. Halida what kind of fucking name is that.
  3. Here name is Halida and my Surname is ValeXXX. I sent her a message Halida ValeXXX sounds good doesn't it? PS. David P knows my real name and surname.
  4. I sent her a whatapps message to a girl my age. You'll never pass for a prostitute, take that as a compliment or insult. Holy shit I got BLASTED in return.
  5. Without doing a direct comparison to other consoles I think this thing might top the SNES if they dont fuck up as their best console.
  6. That's good to hear since I eventually plan to pick it up.
  7. WOW they brought it all out and came to my metro to pick it up.
  8. Well a few of them had their father die, that's fucked up. That's different from a divorced bitch. At least at the start of the video.
  9. Like the LGBT+ (LOL The plus). No one gives a shit about them, it's a politicized weapon of ideological competition at this point, nothing more. Reminds of the USSR/USA cold war when ideology triumphed any logic.
  10. The whole thread started as a political agenda. Like I said I care about Russia, no other country.
  11. Yes, RT talking points, the growth of anti migration opinions in the population of Europe, and changing election and politcal climate to the right that's against migration is just my imagination.
  12. Europe gets 90% 20-30 year old males that look like an army walking in, don't have any skills. They are worthless.
  13. LGBTQ+ They didnt add a fucking letter, they added a fucking PLUS sign. This is getting crazier and crazier.
  14. Europes 500 million population will decline to 400 million by 2050. No one gives a shit about total population in India. , Australia's total fertility rate was 1.79 babies per woman, the same as in 2015. 2.1 is replacement level. Only ghetto immigration policies can counter this.
  15. And? Because Nigeria and Bangladesh are farting out children this helps Europe exactly how? Plus your retarded graph has no context, because the % of all of old non working age people will double in the next 30 years. As will there will be a massive decline of women of child bearing age.
  16. Great idea, so that there will be 5 pensioners for every 1 working person, and all social systems and after government functions collapse. You're a fucking genius..
  17. All industrial countries are suffering from a demographic decline, what the fuck are you talking about. There isn't a SINGLE country in Europe with replacement birthrates.
  18. Yes it's clear, Pro doesn't have screen tearing, and doesn't drop to 23fps at a scene that 30 on Pro.
  19. lol people zoom in 30x to stare at the screen point blank and can't even get the pixel count right, and you retards are arguing about resolutions sitting 9 feet away from the screen.
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