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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Yeah no shit but they can't even reuse the in game cutscenes for a trailer it's pathetic.
  2. I'd rather they make it faithful and Fuck up the gameplay a bit than getting another Twin Snakes.
  3. Makes you wonder if it's coming this year. Don't forget they eventually have to do the Maria episode too.
  4. It's fine how many trailers can kojima show before spoiling the game.
  5. This looks like the last of us on PS3 in terms of environments.
  6. According to IGN the OG MGS3 is completely untouched. Same cutscenes, same codecs, same everything.
  7. Death Stranding 2 is still my most anticipated PS5 exclusive with Stellar Blade.
  8. "I've heard that Metal Gear Solid 4 won't be included in any prospective Classic Collection re-releases. I don't know the exact reason, but I presume this is at least in part due to the game's unique structure as a native PS3 game. The Classic Collection may also come in volumes, based on what I've heard, with Metal Gear Rising, PeaceWalker, and other spin-offs like Portable Ops hitting as part of a "Vol. 2" Classic Collection."
  9. The MGS Collection is labeled as volume 1. So more MGS Collections coming after?
  10. By kojima standards the mgs3 trailer was pathetic
  11. Also Marathon PVP only online shooter is disappointment of the century. I thought we might get a Halo like SP campaign.
  12. It's a fully functioning Dualsense controller with absolutely no compromises and a huge ass screen. Be telling people for years it's in development.
  13. Terrible basically non of their first party made any announcements.
  14. Imagine if the MS showcase somehow manages to suck more ass. What a disappointing year.
  15. It's pretty clear that Sony will spread all their first party showcasing eventually down the line. But they should have announced stuff with CGI trailers because it's been so long.
  16. Noting that Konami basically has no internal studios it's probably a B rate outsource job. But it would take major talent to somehow mess this up.
  17. Not knowing what BluePoint is remaking has got to be the biggest cockblock ever.
  18. Thing is Stellar Blade and Rise of Ronin already had gameplay how were they absent is absolutely beyond me.
  19. It was a huge leap over the PS4 game though not sure what you were expecting.
  20. Ys X: Nordics will launch for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and Switch on September 28 in Japan
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