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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Sony said it would consider spinning off and relisting shares of its financial services arm to bolster investments in its entertainment business, delighting investors with a U-turn in strategy. Shares in the Japanese group rose 6.4 per cent on Thursday as investors welcomed the move as a way to unlock value in the Japanese conglomerate. Sony plans to retain a stake of about 20 per cent and target a timeframe of two to three years for the listing. Three years ago, Sony spent $3.7bn to take full control of its financial unit, which houses the group’s online banking and insurance businesses, d
  2. Here 5 hour preview. I like noisypixel more anyways.
  3. https://twitter.com/user/status/1660607782645829632 Bungie was their best purchase yet. I wonder if the Square Enix rumours are true.
  4. It's too expensive here. I'd rather buy games.
  5. I don't see how scoring an 8.5 is a failure. I mean it is because XBox has so much riding on this game, but that's taken out of context.
  6. 10. David Hayter - Old Snake (MGS4) 9. Steven Ogg - Trevor (GTAV) 8. Melina Juergens - Senua (Hellblade) 7. Michael Mando - Vaas (Far Cry 3) 6. Courtnee Draper - Elizabeth (Bioshock Infinite) 5. Ellen Mclain - Glados (Portal 2) 4. Nolan North - Nathan Drake (Uncharted 4) 3. Christopher Judge - Kratos (God of War 2018) 2. Roger Clark - Arthur Morgan (RDR2) 1. Ashley Johnson - Ellie (Last of Us)
  7. God damn this game was scary back in the day.
  8. Thing isn't even selling. 300 when you can get a digital PS5 for 400 is abysmal value.
  9. Just like MS and Sony will adapt gamepass. Sony will got digital only this gen. XBox will make a comeback. PS5 will be the last Sony console due to streaming becoming big etc etc.
  10. It's so original and cool easily GOTY makes more unoriginal games boring.
  11. Lol two trillion dollar company whining it can't compete with Sony or Nintendo
  12. The OG was mediocre as Fuck. Great music chose for the trailer though.
  13. Lol you need to pre order for Shan Tsung.
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