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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Tbh all I want is a U Pad like lagless direct connection experience. And a bigger screen 8 inches is a bit too small, the Switches screen feels too tiny for serious games. This isn't much better.
  2. MS's responses arent generic PR they're full on meltdowns. Makes me wonder what the plan was for all this, because it probably wasn't as simple as COD on gamepass. Guess they planned to make everything exclusive down the line.
  3. I still think MS will be forced to make an answer to the Pro or they'll lose some big spending customers.
  4. Wasn't the whole point of cloud gaming was taking it on the go for portable reasons. Ie the phone market.
  5. Well the exclusion of PSnow is pretty shocking regardless. 5g could future proof it.
  6. I expected 5g and Psnow support. But I appreciate their focus on hardware sales it's a nice change of pace from whatever bubble MS is dreaming up with their failed Netflix of gaming motto.
  7. After all this talk MS can barely scrap together 15 million subs on XBox and basically managed to kill all game sales for their core audience which is just financial suicide. Spiderman 2 alone this year will probably generate more revenue than all of XBox gamepass combined on consoles.
  8. MS doesn't need just good games. It need an endless stream of new Halo/Gears prime era games to make any dent. It's clear Sony isn't sitting on their ass either, they are playing not to win but dominate. The third party moneyhats and exclusives alone are huge while MS seems to care about getting shit day 1 on a stagnating rental service.
  9. They are true hardware innovators. All three are great, only VR in the console space, a definitive remote play solution and a cool optional hardware upgrade. MS's exclusive is the abysmal series S and the last time Nintendo tried something we got this.
  10. This mean firesprite is working two projects Twisted Metal and a horror game called project Bates. That's impressive for a new studio under Sony.
  11. Car combat games are dead it's going to be a very unique game. So all good assuming Firesprite doesn't mess it up.
  12. Aren't lemmings hyping Perfect Dark and Banjo. Games that were good last century.
  13. They'll probably reveal the Playstation tablet as well since it's coming this year. Fantastic accessory idea imo.
  14. Looks like Guerilla takes the crown of best looking 2023 game again with some improvements to the already amazing visuals.
  15. I feel sorry for Starfield it won't boost XBox gamepass and most sales will come from PC. It will do jackshit for XBox.
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