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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. But it's their fault they messed up The Order otherwise they'd be working with Sony on a new big IP or have been flatout purchased
  2. I don't get it how do first party gamepass games even make money. It's not like the number of downloads make money for MS
  3. Too many to post. Graphics still look out of the PS3 era but what an amazing franchise. https://www.gematsu.com/2023/04/ys-x-nordics-details-dogi-glen-rosalind-cruz-and-mana-actions
  4. With ProbablyMonsters' support, we were able to really focus on a game concept we've been excited about and we met Sony in 2018. And since that first meeting with them, they've been incredibly excited and huge supporters of not just the team, but also the project that we've been working on," Studio Head Tony Hsu, who previously was the GM and SVP of Destiny at Activision, explained.
  5. In development for Sony since 2018 so it's far along. Apparently it's all ex Bungie dudes.
  6. Lol I love borderlands going to also get the new Tina wonderland game.
  7. Sadly no but it's the only PS5 version of the game. Otherwise it's back to the PS4 performance and resolution ghetto. It even has a 120fps mode that will be great when Pro releases.
  8. Sony is probably the first publisher they'll go to. I agree they should stick to PSVR2 games.
  9. Borderlands PS5 Ultimate is next. It's also a fairly limited regional print.
  10. Like Facebook doesn't have enough money bet they start a new studio and run to Sony like the new Supermassive studio Sony is working with of ex.
  11. Man the 360 had some sales bumps with the exclusive JRPGs at least.
  12. Sadly on consoles even PS6 probably won't be able to do path tracing lol. Guess next gen the console peasants will have to suffice with ray tracing.
  13. Re4 sold 7 times more on PS5 in the UK while the hardware split is only 40 percent XBox to 60 PS5. The Series S gets the super casual consumer that barely buys games, they don't even buy a GOTY candidate from a huge franchise. They're getting the 99-150 dollar PS2 consumer that bought a PS2 for singstar and barely bought any games compared to the core audience. And its not even so much gamepass to blame for not buying games as the consumer doesn't buy 70 dollar games due to being so casual. It's not a matter of income it's a matter of how interested they are in gaming.
  14. Apparently Series S sells in plays like Latin America and other poorer areas where people could never afford a PS5 or Series X. So them buying 70 dollar games is a pipedream, that's why the hardware sales don't result in an increase of game sales outside of gamepass. MS is getting sales from second rate consumers.
  15. Ill get this at bargain bin price just like Dead Island.
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