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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Series S the gamepass machine sounded much better in theory. The majority of lemmings own an S and stopped buying games all together.
  2. Jim Ryan apparently Sony was considering making a Series S. ""One thing that can be said is that if you look at the history of the game business, creating a special low priced, reduced spec console is something that has not had great results in the past. We've considered that option and seen other executives who have attempted this discover how problematic it is."" He added: "Based on our research, it's clear that people who buy a game console want to continue using it for four, five, six or even seven years. They want to believe they have bought something that is futur
  3. Speaking of movies apparently Gravity Rush might get one, so that franchise might see a revival.
  4. They're obviously going to add all the gameplay elements like the float kite etc from the sequel. The remake isn't being made by Guerilla it's outsourced. I'll get it on discount sold my Horizon PS4 copy. Plus it will probably release in time for the Pro for the extra graphical boost. Edit - 30 percent of all PS5 users are new to PS5 and it will get bigger as the gen grows so all these remakes have a clear audience.
  5. Also with such a sales advantage Sony will be more aggressive with getting third party games as exclusives, and gamepass eating at lemmings buying games isn't doing any favours
  6. Still have a hard time imagining how you play it without a second screen though for the map function.
  7. So much for hating the TLOU remake. It's outselling Elden Ring and God Of War which were released at a similar time period this month. The remake was a great idea to go alongside the show, same thing for the Horizon remake. Game is over a decade old the new generation gets a full next gen experience.
  8. We got evidence that the market and no one outside forum XBox fanboys on foruns actually gives a shit about gamepass. It's not a selling point. It's doing nothing for hardware sales and frankly people don't care. Lemmings were forced into becoming gamepass defenders because this is trash MS forced on them. If Sony was doing it you'd see zero support from them for a Sony gamepass.
  9. If rumours are true Bungie is working on 3 games. So maybe one won't be GAAS. I wonder if they will make a destiny 3.
  10. I'm looking for a torrent for this game in the mean time. How do I setup a dualsense for games on PC btw.
  11. Playstation 5 sets a new PlayStation platform record for March. Previously held by PSP at 620K sales.
  12. Btw I got my brother a switch with odyssey for his birthday and his girlfriend really got into gaming with it. Nintendo really has that universal appeal magic.
  13. Sony's policy is online games are day 1 PC. Chances are that's what they mean by multiplat.
  14. From what I read Sony is managing to establish it's brand among the new cycle of gamers this gen that are just 16 and entered gaming. Anyone that cared about Halo or 360 now is long over 30 years old. Sony is like the iphone they got the youth locked down. It's just like how many of us entered gaming in the PS1/PS2 era while the NES crowd was shrinking.
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