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Playstation Tablet

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Everything posted by Playstation Tablet

  1. Lots of copy paste rooms at th end sadly. But it didnt bother me.
  2. The last two bad Star Ocean games reallys soured people on the series. Anyone play Valkyrie Elysium I want to get that next.
  3. Beat the game second part was exactly what I expected. Really enjoyed this game. The voice acting was also suprisingly good.
  4. Stellar Blade looks fantastic way more hyped for it than Spiderman, Silent hill 2 etc.
  5. We're talking PS5 Pro. The RT will obviously be way more limited. You're talking about a card that costs over 1000 dollars for Christs sake.
  6. "AMD promises up to 67% more performance in ray tracing scenarios. It showcased these in the RDNA 3 announcement and with it hope for the upcoming cards." WWith RDNA4 we might finally see ray tracing in consoles not suck.
  7. Possibly but it's clear performance aside there is way more visuals to push beyond what PS5 can do.
  8. https://redirect.viglink.com/?format=go&jsonp=vglnk_168114576091911&key=7420ecfea64a324d88e2b384dc96e92d&libId=lgb2rsvl0100sngd000ULb0qk3k5s&loc=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.neogaf.com%2Fthreads%2Fsteamdeck-sold-1-6-million-in-2022-sell-another-2-million-in-2023-report.1655268%2F&v=1&out=https%3A%2F%2Fomdia.tech.informa.com%2Fpr%2F2023%2F04-apr%2Fomdia-steam-deck-installed-base-to-surpass-three-million-during-2023&ref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.neogaf.com%2Fforums%2Fgaming-discussion.2%2F&title=Steamdeck sold 1.6 million in 2022%2C sell another 2 million in 2023%2C report | NeoGAF&
  9. MS will probably respond to a Pro I think. No way they will shove a 2.5gbpd SSD into that thing in 2024 assuming they respond, but they could very well not respond and focus on a sub 200 Series S or something.
  10. SSDs are tanking in price they won't increase RAM beyond a trivial amount but if they shove a 10+ tbps SSD with the improvements to the CPU for loadibg we will approach SNES level load times. PS5 SX have good loading times but a Pro could pull of close to SNES loading times.
  11. Wonder if it will be as buggy as the OG. I think no.
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