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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Dino Crisis this E3, RE3 remake next
  2. Kojima was just recently asked about the PC version and he didn't deny it.... It's probably coming... just much later.
  3. It's not. Their slides show exactly why they don't have to make a fucking tablet.. cmon dude, use your head.
  4. They aren't making a fucking PS tablet dude... it's streaming to any shit out there with a PS Remote play streaming app. They also aren't making a split controller
  5. Apparently there's a meeting going on right now.. or something like that. Shit's getting interesting
  6. Immersive/seamless. PS5 is all about speed.
  7. Teleporting and shit could literally fly you across to where you're going instantly. No more loading screens in between. Not only that but games that scale up vertically much higher as well, not just further into the distance. The possibilities are endless really.
  8. Next gen is going to be sick. Games finally coded for and using SSDs as a standard. Will have huge implications for game design in the future.
  9. They very well could be dedicating the other 2GB specifically for the OS. Which much like the PS4 Pro would be enough to hold a second application in memory to allow really fast switching between two applications. So anyway, it would be around 12-14GB for games. Still seems a bit low, but still over 2x what the previous gen had. I'm sure MS will be going for 20GB or more with Anaconda. Shiiit.. I'm excited for E3 just to get a better idea of where this is all going.
  10. That's DRAM for the cache for the SSD though. Though it says only 2 are close to the NAND, and they are only 2GB as opposed to 4. I think if the 3rd one was any different (4GB) they would have said so.
  11. Yea. Essentially 2GB chips would mean 32GB for the dev kit and 16GB for the console. That would be low presuming there's no mention of RAM dedicated to the OS. It would likely only leave 12GB for games. Perhaps with their SSD implementation that would be mitigated somewhat?
  12. https://www.legitreviews.com/phison-ps5016-e16-pcie-gen4-x4-demo-at-ces-2019_210110
  13. Uh.. AI uses cameras for tons of shit.. In the context of gaming.. there's literally tons of applications. VR is one that I can see coming to mind instantly. Other things like integrating cloud computing and AI recognition into the operating system and UI itself.
  14. Shut up faggot. Nintendo's days are done just like the rest of them. Their next WiiU level disaster is the end of them. bubu Nintendo's policy
  15. I'm just glad Jon is free up in the true north (Canada) with Tormund and Ghost. I honestly don't mind so much how everything ended, but they most definitely rushed and fucked up getting there. There should have been a full season this season, plus one more with 6-8 episodes to explain and do it all properly. Oh well. That's all folks.
  16. Mine too lol. As sad as it is when a loved one is kidnapped and later found brutally murdered.. at least then there is closure. Tonight will be the same.
  17. I said a long long looooong time ago that "Nintendo" and "Playstation" will eventually be apps which run on generic PC hardware. It starts with streaming... then, as more people begin to just stream their games, 3rd parties will start doing their own thing and save development budget building a single version of their game able to reach every screen out there.. the reasons for dedicated console hardware begin to disappear. It doesn't make any sense for these console manufacturers to spend money designing and building hardware and building up a hardware base... at the point where t
  18. Remij

    EGS lmao

    Shady shit has happened on Steam too regarding developers... This isn't as big of a deal as you're making it out to be lmao.
  19. MS has done a shitload to make that game what it is. Pretty fucking crazy. They're making bank off that purchase.
  20. Kaz is mad cause he was never good enough to actually beat the game and hear that track
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