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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Earlier in the thread.. I was having a discussion with GD about the episode and what I thought of it... I was totally cool with him. And then you came in and stated some completely dumb shit.. and then the others joined you. The way you presented yourself showed me you had no interest in actually discussing, bur rather to mock me. You basically said that what happened was "over my head" and then played the "feelings hurt" angle.. and I proceeded to treat you how you deserved to be treated. I explained my position, and people agreed with me. Since then, that's all you've done in this threa
  2. Funny how posting memes about GoT is more on the subject of this thread than your posts constantly crying about what I'm "apparently" doing in this thread. Talk about GoT and not Remij dumbass.
  3. Why are you choosing to engage me instead of simply talking to them? Oh, that's right... because you're trolling me...
  4. No you weren't. You IMMEDIATELY got on my ass about not liking it... and you dragged it on for pages hoping to get me to comment again so you could do it again and again.. then Dynamite and eventually Goukosan joined in with you.. then the thread became about Remij. So don't try to act like I'm the one shitting up the thread. What, you think this thread is only for people who enjoy what the show is doing? Because the way you guys are acting, it certainly seems that way. LMAO.. we really can't post meme's mocking the show in this thread? Really? ROFL.. you idiots want this to
  5. I'm not calling everyone who likes the show idiots... I'm calling you three idiots because you can't seem to get over the fact that I have a different opinion... and you're barrages of trying to call me out in this thread is what spawed it. So.. stop being fuck heads. The show really does suck this season btw... It's not something I'm making up to bait and argue. Deal with it.
  6. My feelings aren't hurt. I'm quite understanding that the show sucks and admit it. You fucks are the ones who are hurt because I don't like it.. Who the hell do you think you are kidding Goukosan?
  7. I love that what you guys are focusing on is the idea that it's not out of character for her... when the rest of us are arguing that it sucks because it's exactly what you expect her to do. Turn into the mad queen... She's her fathers daughter, right? LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE And no... she's NEVER killed innocents in the entire series... despite being ruthless against those that would oppose her. Here she fucking brutally torches an entire city full of innocents after they've surrendered. It's
  8. No... neither of them are stupid... You just admitted you're building anticipation from the fact that MS is "gearing up" for more output next gen... We can also say that we're excited for shit that we know is coming... Halo, Gears, Forza... It's not stupid to look forward to what those franchises will be like on next gen hardware... that's basically the fucking point of building up franchises. You're trying to argue with him over the stupidest shit.
  9. It's stupid to think that you can do one and not the other. There's no hypothesizing that those games will come to PS5... they will... as well as Sony's "future output in general"... The "difference" you're trying to claim is that somehow he's wrong to presume that sequels to games he loves are coming.. or that he's wrong to assume that Sony will continue to make high quality games that they've been putting out lately? LMAO... give me a break.
  10. ? Pretty sure those are laughing smileys. You always bounce back and forth, and you always have issues. I'm not stating anything wrong here. lmao
  11. Every issue you have is a common problem.... common to you.
  12. You always have issues with everything and nothing ever fucking works for you.
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