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Everything posted by Remij

  1. I think so too.. it was quite intentional. This last season of GoT really does make me want to kill myself
  2. Remain unconvinced.. I don't give a fuck lmao. You don't have long to wait... E3 is in 1 month.. we'll know more. If it's 3 parts of full $60 games... then there's expectations that come with it. Everything I've seen so far leads me to believe that this is a massive undertaking and that they are taking the time to do it justice and are really going to flesh out certain things and expand it. If not.. then I'll admit it. The fact that you guys think they are going to sell 3 $60 games while cutting shit and streamlining shit, and not expanding on it is fucking ludicrous.
  3. That shit extrapolates across the entire game. Even the smaller towns/areas are going to require lots of work... The experience has to be consistent.. and there's tons of areas and places which are massively different from each other. All the set pieces and mini games and shit like that. It's huge man.. stop being a Remi hater Of course I know that it's not going to be 100% of the original.. we already know that some things will be changed. But all I'm saying dude is that if they are choosing to make it across 3 games... then it's REASONABLE to expect them to really go into d
  4. ...maybe because they're releasing the game across 3 parts ...and maybe because all the trailers and art designs we've seen so far show the scale as being massively bigger and more complex... Look at Midgar's design in the original reveal... I mean... it's what you know... but it's MASSIVELY expanded in detail.. They HAVE to make it more 'realistic'... the fact that you think that they'd literally just copy the pre-rendered backgrounds for the design of the towns and areas is why I think you're so fucking stupid.
  5. ^this idiot thinks they're going to be 1:1 diorama copies of the original but in 3d Sabo, stop talking... you're embarrassing.
  6. Nah. Not overreacting. The game is going to be massive
  7. ROFL... you are so fucking clueless.. they don't just have to design the buildings, which are unique and have character... but the surrounding areas as well... And they have to interconnect. It has to actually be crafted.. and hilariously, that's still more unique shit than the same wooden shacks which can literally be pre-configured in different size configurations in TW3 and then plopped down by the artist. I'm simply listing unique visually distinct things within areas and areas themselves... in one part of the entire game of FF7. Telling me to replay the game to refresh my m
  8. Everything we've seen is visually on another level completely to TW3... and this is a tiny look at the first area of part 1 of a multiple part project... no shit what we've seen is confined. LMAO talking about scope and scale... Making a large open world is dogshit easy with the tools devs have. The "scale" means fuck all... devs can easily populate a large area.. literally painting in trees, rocks, grass, ect.. It's the unique content and assets that need to be created... and most of TW3 is reused shit, and underground caves lmao. It's all mostly the same looking shit across the entire m
  9. I'm biased when it comes to my love for the game... and looking past issues with the game... I'm not biased in saying that the amount of work to bring this game to life in this fidelity.. is much more ambitious than TW3.. "FF7R wont even be half as ambitious as TW3" Talks about ridiculous claims You're just trying to start shit.
  10. I'm not crying up a storm. You idiots are the one crying because I dislike it. If you fucks could just get over that fact then my posts about this would have stopped ages ago. How can you be this fucking stupid?
  11. Yea, you're probably right. We'll just have to wait and see what they do. But I'm still of the opinion that even then this is way more ambitious (in a sense) than TW3 is/was.. but that games getting old now, and Cyberpunk is coming soon, which will be a massive game and will make TW3 look antiquated itself, from the same team. It's also worth noting that KH3 has around 11h of cutscenes... and the vast majority aren't just repeating idle animations while talking. So I wouldn't put it past them to make cutscenes out of everything lol.
  12. Another huge thing about TW3 is how all of their dialog and most of their cutscene animations are driven by their in game animation system. They're very basic and since they don't have to do tons of unique animation, it allows them to make a lot more content. Meanwhile, FF7's cutscenes are entirely uniquely animated.. It's not even close.
  13. I'm not being dramatic about it. You idiots keep posting and @'ing me. The fact is.. that these last couple of episodes have totally turned me off of most of these characters. Since I don't care anymore.. the show is effectively ruined. Just because you can overlook completely stupid shit doesn't mean I will. I care about the series enough to say that it's shit when it's shit. Deal with it.
  14. The fidelity here is on another level compared to The Witcher 3. Having an open world and a bunch of generic quests filling in between major story beats is not even close to the same as what this game will be. FF7 has tons of content and it's all unique. The designs of areas and assets requires FAR more work than TW3... which reuses assets all over the place. Given the fidelity of the game, and the scope of the game/world. I think it's understandable. The main thing is that we don't know exactly how much they are going in on fleshing certain areas/levels/story/characters... so
  15. The show is ruined imo. I don't give a shit anymore what happens to these characters. Whatever fate the show has drummed up for them is exactly what they deserve. This is an incredibly sloppy finish.. totally unsatisfactory. And no you won't... but you'll pretend like you do
  16. How did I troll? I said the Ep sucked.. there were 2 really shitty Eps in a row.. and I came here and said as much. The entire time has been you trying to call me out for not liking it. You're the fucking troll here. Just chill the fuck out and enjoy your shitty final episodes. rofl
  17. lol.. for gaming... not too well. Which is why it's not a consumer processor lol. Here's a pic of their "EPYC Rome" 64 core processor It's not released yet, obviously, but yea.. That right there is a thing of beauty.
  18. Because 64 core CPUs are pretty fucking Epyc And lol nah you never told me that. Yea Ryzen was a bitch in the beginning with memory. That's all fixed now and things are much better.
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