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Everything posted by Remij

  1. @-GD- FFVII is amazing. There's a reason why it smashed the competition, made RPGs mainstream and secured the success of the Playstation as a console. Back in the day, being the age we were when it released, being a fan of the series since FF1.. the excitement of a huge 3 CD epic Final Fantasy game with incredible ground breaking graphics and cutscenes... the Playstation was breaking down barriers and bringing mature games to players everywhere. Seeing the 3d graphics and summons for the first time was just It's also got one of the best stories in a FF game.. an awe
  2. Remij


    Nvidia just released a new driver that improves Vulkan API performance and support. World War Z sees some pretty substantial gains. Maybe now it will be tied with Vega 64 in that game
  3. Boys.. I'm not fucking ready for this
  4. Just on State of Play... My LAWD More info coming at Square's E3 conference
  5. Remi and Madmal don't like something I like Shut the fuck up Vini jesus.. you've droned on for 3 fucking pages now continually trying to goad us into arguing more with you. You're not worth arguing with about this
  6. They all accidentally clicked off the "Xbox platform" button instead. It was the right decision
  7. No.. it's just that there's no sense in arguing about stuff to people who literally don't care. You don't care that this season has sucked... you don't care that they did nothing with the NK, you don't care that the decisions that these characters are making are completely retarded... and you don't care that the writing is terrible. You're blissfully ignorant. What the fuck am I supposed to argue with you about? They've completely fucked up the series... but you love it. So just shut the fuck up and be happy with it.
  8. 8 season long red herring God Vini and Deeno are dumb as fuck Madmaltese, let's just let them enjoy their garbage.
  9. It is... now... because it's been integrated into Unreal Engine. You can literally enable it by pressing a button... but you still have to design a game around it... and guess what dipshit... games take time to develop... and RT has to be tweaked on a per game basis... and not every game uses Unreal Engine God you're dumb as shit. Jon... just STOP talking about ray tracing.. you're ignorant as fuck dude
  10. Till they bring out Social Justice Warriorhawk
  11. I've watched so many GRRM interviews in the past 2 weeks.. he's so fucking awesome. I could listen to him talk about anything for hours. He's so thoughtful of everything he says and the things he does. Truly a genius. And he's absolutely right. The only solace I have left at this point is that I know he'll do the series justice with how the books end... I'm just hoping he lives long enough to see them through lol.
  12. Insufferable? rofl please. I've only complained about the last 2 eps.. which have been garbage. I don't understand how you can be so obviously blind about it. I'm kind of pissed off.. because this has been one of the best shows ever in the history of TV and they're completely botching it right at the finish line... of course I'm going to complain about it.
  13. So fucking stupid. ROFL Dany... let's not fly high into the sky and get a birds eye view of what we're up against... let's fly right in line of sight of weaponry that we KNOW can kill dragons... smfh.. There's no way Euron should have been able to "surprise" them... What a fucking disgrace
  14. What's wrong with that? It's a new rendering technology.. it requires work to implement... of course adoption doesn't happen instantly. How stupid must you be? It's not something that's going to happen INSTANTLY... like you popping into my ray tracing threads
  15. Yes.. that's the point of this thread. Can you believe it?
  16. It's been 6 months... and there's 5 big games, and the two biggest 3rd party engines have incorporated it into their feature-set. Both consoles are rumored to support it, and most of the talks at GDC were around ray tracing... Developers know that this is the future and are actively pushing for it. It's here... and it's not going away lol. Nvidia's entire new architecture is based around it. Intel's GPUs in 2020 will also accelerate ray tracing.. and AMD is working on it. It's not a waste of money because it's currently the fastest GPU out there... not just in RT games, but
  17. No, they specifically say they could add more dynamic elements plus on top of full native 4K... and let's be real... obviously more than 30fps... especially if we're talking a 2080ti.. It sounds like a terribly watered down experience. Nvidia's shit is leagues ahead. Diffused indirect reflections and lighting... on everything. Not even in the same stratosphere.
  18. Eh I'd assume they are talking about the 2080 and not the 2080Ti... and again, regardless of how it scales, it's not 'dead even' when one gives a good/great experience, and the other gives a crappy experience. It doesn't matter how much you spend.. if the experience is shitty, then it's wasted money.
  19. No.. because one gives a good experience, the other gives a barely passable experience in a bare assed tech demo with nothing dynamic happening. lol
  20. Jesus fucking christ the defense of this bullshit season is hilariously pathetic ITT. Bu but crybabies Get over it... they are completely botching the fuck out of this entire series with this season. The last few seasons have been mediocre as shit, but this is the straw that broke the camels back. Fuck this show... you can tell they don't give a shit anymore
  21. A tech demo isn't a game... They showed a 4K/30fps video and stated it was run on a Vega 56 at the end of it... bebecause Crytek's RT implementation was "so superior and compute RT is good enuf" I should also state that CryEngine notoriously favors AMD based hardware rofl.. 1080p30 extremely basic scene no dynamic objects partial reflections only for mirror surfaces Cheapest form of RT LMAO AMDeenoHBR LynnoRTHBR JonnRTXHBR Reading that thread I posted again.. lmfao you fucks are so smug in your ignorance. F
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