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Everything posted by Remij

  1. It sounds like the Night King's role isn't done yet. They can still salvage this thing šŸ¤žšŸ¤ž
  2. Remij


    I don't think they are special. The same can be said for any architecture. Vulkan has had way more optimizations for AMDs hardware. If you look DX11 on the 2080ti it performs much better than Vulkan does on the 2080ti... suggesting that the Vulkan implementation has not been optimized for Nvidia GPUs for this game. I mean, Vulkan's average fps is the same as DX11's min fps. That's not to say that AMD's architecture doesn't have some legit advantages depending on how games are programmed, but this shows you how much overhead there is with these GPUs... and it's not an AMD specif
  3. Remij


    You know, Richard leadbetter from Digital Foundry said a while back that there were going to be lots of rumors coming out regarding the consoles and that you shouldn't believe them or put too much faith in them. I absolutely believe that Richard has a VERY good idea what MS will be using and more specifically what Navi actually is capable of. I'm also pretty sure he knew that these extremely high spec guesses would flood the market.. which is why he wants to lower peoples expectations. In the recent videos discussing the PS5 announcements that Sony made with Wired and the Gonzalo
  4. Yea, I don't know how you can be involved with a project like this and get to this point not knowing that there was a problem there... I simply don't get it. Hopefully they do a good job fixing him. Sonic really doesn't need to be dragged through the mud any more than he has been over the years lol.
  5. Dumb move by them though... the movie is gonna bomb regardless and I don't even expect the "fixed" Sonic to be good. Seems like a waste.. but who knows?
  6. We're all pink on the inside Vini
  7. THUS I SHALL WRITE IN ALL UPPERCASE! The last thing I need are my words to be considered suspect!
  8. True. But yea, I definitely am "known" over there... especially recently.
  9. Eh, I've mostly stayed out of the politics shit there. Most of my bans have been from defending the Epic Game Store's right to exist lol.
  10. Yep. And now look... they brought up that one time where Cory Barlog said that he was looking forward to hopefully seeing Boogie at some event... and they're piling on him again.
  11. Yea, no, I'm not surprised. Even later after that, other members were saying to him, 'that's nice but I'll never take anything you say seriously while you're still friends with "Boogie"'... It's never enough for them. They're are hate mongers who look for ANY reason to criticize people.. and they'll try their hardest to make you believe you're just as terrible as the worst racists and bigots if you don't confront everyone you see about their views.
  12. I don't think they're going to be cutting support any time soon. There's still 1.5 years left until the next gen consoles and the One X will get support for a while after that.
  13. Greg just wrote a response... he's basically apologizing because he didn't chastise and condemn Notch (and Andrea Rene) enough to placate ResetERA...
  14. Dumbtre will buy it all back again after Xbox launches their next console. You can talk shit about Xbox and he'll still step to bat for them.. yet he apparently doesn't care anymore... LOL yea right
  15. Exactly what I thought as soon as I saw the Life cereal.
  16. So many F bombs in that video
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