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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Are you opening all the chests area by area, or just running around like a madman opening random shit?
  2. Nah, there's plenty of life left in that game. Anyway, what this demonstrates is Epic's understanding that they need to build up their own stable of developers and create from the ground up content for their platform. We can be sure that there's more announcements on the way.
  3. Sabrina about to get fucked too
  4. "Just for the record I'm white and I disagree with everything Remij said, and fully support his name being changed to Caucasity"
  5. Only 5 days. The mod who did it must like me.
  6. I knew it was going to set off a storm. Especially considering how I worded my first post lol. I gotta admit I wasn't expecting them to call for my name to be changed though. But if they do that... Every comment I make will be a sarcastic reference to that word.. and then you better believe I'm going to suicide that account in spectacular fashion. It's up to them
  7. I, Captain Caucasity, would need all the Infinity Stones to even stand a chance.
  8. ROFL you saw that, did you? God damn they attack like piranhas lol
  9. Consoles bring in next gen... because consoles have generations.... Why would I debate that? The BASELINE gets better because of consoles... not the high end. Sorry to break it to you... but PS5 and X2 games are still going to be medium/high PC settings...
  10. 4 monitor argument? You've gone fully stupid. Set most any game to console settings and my FPS are in the 90s-100s at 4K.... on my CURRENT PC... you're talking 2 years from now? Jon... you need to face reality bozo... Any PC I have is going to shit all over your console. The only thing consoles are good for is that they force a baseline at the beginning of a new gen. They force shit tier PC owners to upgrade their shit. bu but consoles dicta.. Consoles don't dictate how many times faster my PC runs games faggot
  11. LOL no. I'm playing your games at better visual quality at 2-3x the framerate... on a monitor that can display those frames. I'm playing better versions of all games now... and will play better versions of all next gen games as well.. LOL REEF KAZ XB2 and PS5 won't smash my PC... The PC that I'll have by the time those consoles launch will be the only thing that smashes my current PC.. and games actually being developed with next gen consoles as a baseline is only going to make my PC perform better. Next gen for you will be games with a locked
  12. $2000 PC settings 1.5 - 2 years from now are going to smash on that shit dude.. and that's just the START of the gen And thanks.. the PC I have now COULD last me all next gen.. meanwhile you're begging for an upgrade that's still 1.5 years away
  13. Indeed... it would have been easy to have a scene that really added some context to that fact... instead of the.. nothing.. that we got.
  14. In order for there to be a payoff, you need to give closure to the questions that you pose on people. Oh, so the NK just wanted to kill everybody... there was no real connection between him and Bran?? LOL ok... LAAAAAAAAME. There was no dialogue or revelation before his death... it was MEANINGLESS. If you think simply being a sub plot device to the main plot is good enough reason for him existing and being killed with no payoff? Then you're wrong. He raised questions... and it turns out we were dumb to ask them because they didn't matter. Oh well.. wha
  15. I liked most of the episode.. but I simply don't like how they ended it. MAYBE they'll answer some shit in the next ep, so I'll hold off saying it's ruined lmao.. but still. I simply can't believe that they expect us to believe that Arya was interrogating Gendry about aspects of the WW's to learn how they move, act, smell, ect... presumably to "become" one at some point... and then during the battle, she fights some... then she's literally hiding for 10-15 minutes from them seemingly forgetting that she could mimic one... and then Melisandre simply reminds her that she can become
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