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Everything posted by Remij

  1. The Wii to the WiiU to the Switch is a perfect example. People had a terrible perception of MS after the launch of the XO.. Sony made them look like fools. They unfortunately couldn't make up for that mistake and produce quality games throughout the gen while Sony started firing on all cylinders just as the gen really started going. That's why it went so one sided. MS knows what they have to do. Make no major fuck ups message-wise.. have as good as or better hardware, focus on games.. and execute. Their services alone have a lot of people interested and could tip p
  2. I'm actually enjoying MK11 quite a bit. The PC version is finally at parity with the PS4 version.
  3. lol no It's the same shit every gen.. New gen comes around and console fags get mouthy
  4. We got to be honest about something though... since the last half of last year, and it's looking like most all of this year... Sony's output has been terrible. Truly pathetic. They have nothing ready... but at least they are up front about it. They aren't even doing shows because they quite simply have nothing. Which really makes this year pretty sad from them. IF IF IF they manage to release TLOU2 this year, then obviously that changes things... but it could be that they're holding out on them to really have a crazy 2020 and then keep that momentum going through to when Horizon 2 or what
  5. Even in the Sonic Mania opening animation they show Sonic transporting to the different worlds through rings. In Sonic 1 if you completed the level with 50+ rings, a big ring would show up at the end of the level and transport you to the bonus stage. It's been a theme of the game since the beginning.
  6. Yea, the big rings teleport you to the bonus stages.
  7. For the record though... this probably puts the console at around 11-12TF and not 13TF.
  8. Looks like they held it back for the PC Gamer Show at E3 #AlwaysRight #NeverWrong #StillComing #TLHBR
  9. Ryse looked miles better than the best 360 game. The presentation and fidelity was on another level.. even if it was slightly blurry. lmao
  10. Games are going to look OMFG good... again, quote me on that
  11. If you want to talk about least impressive jumps... talk about Nintendo I think the leap from 360/PS3 - PS4/XO was huge... and that's despite the tiny bump in CPU. The CPUs in these new consoles will quite simply allow for shit that was never possible before.. by many times. People aren't going to notice immediately... but eventually... the difference will be stupidly apparent. Quote me on that. Regardless of how IMMEDIATE you think the visual difference needs to be... the simple fact is this.. Ray tracing is going to make things look far more real and grounded an
  12. Eh, it's still going to be huge in some ways man.
  13. Who the fuck do they think they are? Even if Half Life was exclusive to it (it wont be) lol
  14. A year and a half away at best... And that's like an 8TF Nvidia GPU... Nvidia will have GPUs out that push 20TF+ by the time these consoles launch.... that's like 25-27TF AMD These consoles are going to get outclassed really quickly... just like they always do.
  15. TSHBR Literally no reason to own a Switch anymore
  16. In a way yes.. the ending sucked terribly. Arya OUT OF NOWHERE... But REM she's taken some eyes!! Red Green, and Blue too
  17. Imagine making excuses for a shitty finale to a huge battle scene and seasons of buildup... but I guess you're used to pretending you're not disappointed since you think Switch ports are good. Fuck right off
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