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Everything posted by Remij

  1. GS - 8/10 IGN - 8.3/10 Meta - 82
  2. Which one of those services was actively buying exclusive games, throwing around millions of $$$, and had an userbase of 250+million again???? I'll wait
  3. Valve made the change knowing full well that Epic was coming... ROFL.. do you actually think Valve didn't catch wind of this before? It's funny how you argued that PRO was in response to Xbox One X even though it launched before... but you can't seem to grasp the concept here? Dude, you're losing this debate.. and now you're just gonna get angry Big dick Sweeny is smacking Gabe in the face. Fix yo shit Valve
  4. *on every sale AFTER that point. Valve's already taken their $10-15 million.. and after 1 million units.. game sales start to slow. Don't get it twisted... Epic straight up forced them to make this change... and they aren't dumb... they made the change the way they did (instead of being a simple 20/80 split on every sale) knowing full well how games sell on their platform, they're doing it in a way where they're impacted the least.
  5. They have a 20% fee... at the point where your game stops selling and thus they've made their 30%. Thanks Gabe
  6. Epic barely has a platform right now? LOLOLOL!!! You do realize that Fornite alone almost has as many active monthly players as Steam does monthly active users in its entirety, right? Valve is making RIDICULOUS money on pure quantity of shit games... they absolutely are doing fuck all with that money. They are pillaging the fuck out of developers and everyone knows it now. You're seriously misreading the market dude.. haha
  7. You shouldn't. As someone who championed the fuck out of Steam for years and years and built up and entire life's worth of games. It's absolutely essential that developers can be successful outside of Steam. That the PC itself becomes the platform again, and that people are able to compete against Steam ITSELF and not simply be another storefront for Steam keys... It's absolutely essential that there's that competition. People really need to change their thinking.. because Valve shouldn't be the sole gatekeeper of gaming on PC.. and if another company can improve things for de
  8. Yea, no. He's not even close to running out of money... and his platform is absolutely sustainable. Dude... Epic has money for DAYS to chip away at Valve.. and that's exactly what they're going to do. He's not an idiot... you're simply upset. He's an extremely intelligent programmer and businessman. He knows exactly what he's doing and knows exactly how to attack Valve. Again, you're remiss to underestimate Epic man... You can bet your ASS that Valve understands what's going to happen if they don't change something.
  9. Big dick Sweeny bullying Valve. He's absolutely right. Devs are fed up with Valve bullshit and are figuring out they can do it on their own... or go somewhere else. @DynamiteCop! Valve IMMEDIATELY revised their revenue split upon Epic entering the PC gaming storefront. The fact is.. Epic can keep buying all the big exclusives for 6-12 months and it's going to wear Valve down.. The more that time goes on... and Steam continues to lack BIG games.. people are going to become upset that they aren't doing anything. Also, in that time, more people will just say fuck it and use EG
  10. I agree.. this is just dumb. Let's re release the same fucking game on the same platform to the people who already bought the original instead of making it multiplat and selling everywhere... Fucking dumbasses
  11. lmao I dunno.. Somehow I don't think it would help anyway.
  12. ^rofl The collision hadn't even loaded in yet
  13. Yep, as long as Jimbo doesn't get us shut down before then
  14. At least we know what to expect from the emulated PC version in 2 or so years
  15. Yea tomorrow. I dunno, apparently Jason Schrier said that Persona 5 S isn't a Switch game. He said he's not aware of any Persona game in development for Switch. I'll take a Steam port when it comes though. Sega UK said there would be Persona PC news soon.
  16. Persona 5: The Royal is going to be revealed this week. It could be an improved version of P5 which could fix a lot of the problems with the original, so I'd just wait for that. Unless you really don't care. Between those 2, yea definitely P5 though.
  17. lol... nobody is forgetting about Aza's 2019 campaign.. however, we have to actually wait until either it's properly unveiled with the release date, or Sony themselves confirm it's not releasing in 2019. We all already know that it's not coming 2019, but we'll give it it's due course. You never know what could happen. Anyway, with consoles, it's simply about exclusives now. I'll never give a shit about owning a console for anything that I can play better on my PC. Idgaf about price.. I'd pay $600+ w/e.. so long as the hardware is badass. If Xbox connected and did some cool shi
  18. So when are you going to Mary Jane?
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