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Everything posted by Remij

  1. It's an interesting rumor for sure. It really DOES make sense the more you look into it. The HBCC handing both pools of ram as well as storage, and simplifying it for developers alleviates the major concerns it would pose. I'm still extremely skeptical though. If Digitimes is to be believed about ASE handling the packaging, then it makes it impossible since only TSMC will offer InFO_MS .. which directly contradicts that rumor. Will be interesting as fuck to see what it ends up being. I'm 100% sticking with GDDR6, but I'll give Dynamite his props if it does end up us
  2. That looks SO fucking badass. Really really impressive, damn.
  3. Pretty fucking awesome. I love when they start breaking the blocks of the wall in the completely dark room and then you see the light flood in from outside and light the room up.
  4. Dude, you have to turn PBO off because it's boosting differently each time and affecting the results... Your results are continually all over the place. You have to re-run Firestrike in non game mode too with the exact same settings. Also, the regular Timespy cpu test doesn't scale past 10 cores, you have to bench Timespy Extreme. There's a reason why the Extreme versions exist lol.
  5. Lol, nah, they're different people.
  6. You're so fucking stupid.. god damn. I was obviously referring to his first bench.. which is all cores. First bench (All cores, non game mode) Physics: 19,192 Game Mode Physics: 20,821 How does his physics score drop from 19K to 17K?? Throughout his benches he's got physics scores ranging from 14K to 19K with all cores... He's been messing around with settings. The ONLY difference there... being that the CPU was actually overclocked 200mhz more.. to 4.2GHz.. lol Either himself overclocking, or PBO is boosting differe
  7. No.. it absolutely DOES scale with more cores.. in general, and on Threadripper. His post PROVES that. It simply doesn't scale past a point which has nothing to do with Threadripper and everything to do with 3dmark itself. The original Firestrike CPU test apparently doesn't scale past 10 cores. With Timespy Extreme their CPU test was updated to support more than 10 cores. You saying saying "Did you even try game mode" means that you thought it would perform better. You apparently knew game mode would reduce the CPU to a single 8 core die... right? Which is why there was barely any diff
  8. Yea in the case of the HEDT segment anyway. 16 cores is the sweet spot price/performance-wise. Ryzen 3000 should be pretty awesome for gaming and really give Intel a run for it's money. Intel is going to be assaulted on all fronts very shortly. Ryzen is already doing that, but being able to take both price/performance and top performance crowns will push people even farther to AMDs side. Not to mention AMD has a clear strategy for their entire lineups in every segment and is continually improving while Intel looks to fumbling with getting past their current issues.
  9. "Did you even put the threadripper into game mode?" Dumb bitch.. Game mode performs WORSE than disabling half the cores... ie Legacy Compatibility Mode... He has a physics score of 20K with Game Mode and 29K with LCM... It performs WORSE. We know Game Mode limits the CPU to a single die with the 2990WX... we know that the Physics test scales with cores. 8 cores vs 16 cores... it's not hard to figure out. Apparently it doesn't scale much past 16 cores though.. Intel's 28 core processors don't even score better than 30K. So yes.. I was right. Eat shit
  10. No ROFL And to top it off... you posted asking to see Game Mode performance as if it would improve the score
  11. Uh... he proved my point fucktard. The fuckhead who tried to argue that overclocking improved IPC thinks he knows shit about CPUS. ROFL God damn you're dumb
  12. Speaking of that. If Sony really does have their own hardware based RT solution, then that means they're likely going with a lesser amount of CUs. I wonder if they're going to hit 1.8Ghz on the GPU as well? I think 10TF might be reasonable if they have real hardware based RT acceleration. Should perform quite well.
  13. So the guy mid-way through his stream accidentally shows his discord which has a conversation between him and CarcinogenSDA (another speedrunner mostly known for Resident Evil games) where he says "sup nigger" to Carci as a greeting. Now of course Twitch stepped in right away as that's against the TOS, and rightfully should be. He released a video explaining what happened, but never really apologized for it, and actually seemed pretty annoyed that he was "caught" rather than wanting to apologize. So then later he posted another "apology" and isn't sure when or if his account will
  14. 8TF PS5 would be extremely disappointing... 12GB RAM?? I can't believe that. It's gotta have 16 available to devs for games + 4 for OS at least.. Really, MS' 4TF Lockhart makes sense as a 1080p device if they knew that Sony was targeting only around 8-9TF. Anaconda will eat its lunch though at 12 or 13TF.
  15. Nice. You're an AMD lad aren't you lol. I'm going to build a Ryzen 3000 based PC when those drop within the next 3-4 months. Ryzen 9 3850X 16 core 32 thread @ 4.5-5GHz New PCIe 4.0 based motherboard 32GB of extremely fast RAM Tons of storage I think I'm gonna go big on storage for my next build. 2TB of SSD + 4TB of HDD isn't cutting it anymore. I'd like to ditch HDDs completely.
  16. @The Mother Fucker @Nya` Yea it's quite interesting stuff. What I'm wondering though is why the Graphics score takes a massive hit under the default setting? Can you confirm The Mother Fucker that both GPUs are being utilized.. or rather how much they are? Because in both other configurations they are being fully used. I assumed (pretty strongly) that only 1 GPU was being utilized.. but it very well could be that both are and there's simply a bug with TR and Crossfire above 2 dies, which impacts utilization. (That would make sense since the other Threadripper CPUs I checked didn't exhibit
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