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Everything posted by Remij

  1. No.. that in no way means anything is guaranteed. Machine learning has many applications within game development. Asset creation, game AI training, code efficiency, and compression to name a few.. there's many others though. It's going to have a huge affect on game development in the future. Reducing budgets and dev time, as well as distribution costs. Those are the implications of what ML can do for game development. That has no bearing to say whether or not the console will have dedicated hardware to accelerate ML code... Of course, it's entirely possible, and there's a good chance th
  2. Really? Have you seen how butthurt BC gets at every PC announcement?
  3. In a way, even though I sincerely doubt it, I hope MS DOES go completely disc-less. Execute a vision free of bullshit optical media and spinning parts. Create a smaller, dead silent console platform with perfectly balanced memory size and bandwidth, compute capability (per target resolution), and storage speed and capacity. 1080p sku for low end, and a 4K sku for the high end, and an extremely cheap streaming option for those who wish to go that route. Usher in the fully digital age for consoles, and make Sony's shit seem loud, and noisy and archaic. Dealing with discs is going
  4. There's a very good chance that Sony knows what they are up against and wanted to get out ahead of it. They're basically screaming "we have BC now, and it loads extremely fast! ...please don't go anywhere!" lol But no.. people think it's some genius thing that Sony perfectly planned to execution It's going to be a great console for sure... but ALL the insiders are talking about MS' console being better. Where there's smoke.. there's fire. As for prices... Who knows what kind of deals each have going on, as well as the ultimate size of their memory pools and storage
  5. Ugh.. I don't even give a shit. It's extremely likely Xbox is going to be more powerful. They are set out to do it. Beyond that, who gives a fuck? They'll be close enough. You just have to cut out the shit that only Sony can pull off some tricks... MS is just as capable of pulling the rug out from under Sony.
  6. Aza just an hour or so ago "Xbox insiders can't know what PS5 is going to cost" now "Matt and Zhuge know that Xbox is going to be more costly than PS5" lmao.. cmon dude. Let's just shut up with the speculation shit that could literally be anything. Instead let's talk about the implications of different hardware configurations as it pertains to next gen games.
  7. Anyway, the real game changer here, is going to be the lighting fast storage. It could have some massive implications as a differentiator between the two platforms. Sony could have less RAM than the next Xbox, but if they have a super fast storage solution to stream data in and out extremely quickly, the games could load faster and be still be more seamless end up more seamless overall.. Of course Sony could have both, and so could Xbox. I'm just wondering if Sony was able to save a bit of money on RAM and put that into faster storage instead, essentially negating the small loss of RAM (4GB
  8. Not reading much into stupid shit like you seem to be..
  9. It could happen, but I think at the very least they will cost $449. I don't understand why people think there are only 2 possible price points for these machines. I'm just wondering how much capacity PS5 will have with its storage? 1TB seems likely, and anything less would be disappointing. It can't be fixed storage either. I'm guessing an easily swappable NVMe drive.. hopefully no proprietary bullshit. People will need to be able to upgrade in the future. Also, Aza... I find it funny that you think Sony can make water from wine, but others can't do the same thing.
  10. Out of exclusives, PS3 had the best looking games that generation. TLOU Killzone 2/3 UC3 GoW3 MGS4 The developers worked REALLY hard to achieve those results... but they did it. 360 had great looking games as well though. Halo 4 is extremely high up on that list.. as is Gears 3. I'll say this. I feel that the 360 was EASILY the better machine, and honestly... more powerful in the right hands. Most multiplats were better on 360, it was easier to code for and get better results from. But here's the thing.. Sony's developers
  11. You never did idiot. Your dusty PoSC could run this game just fine since launch.
  12. Yea the 2600K was the CPU equivalent of the ATI 9700pro. Godly processor. You really can't ask for much more from a single PC based purchase. Since then, gain's have been incredibly small in comparison year over year.
  13. It's hard to say yet. You have a 6 core (12 thread) CPU. They should fare fairly well so I don't think you'll really have to worry for a while yet. Either this year or next year I'm definitely going to have to upgrade my 6700K. The Ryzen 3000 with a new PCIe4.0 motherboard later this summer is going to be awfully tempting.
  14. Yea, if there's cross-play.. the PC. If not.. PS4. The game looks fucking incredible though. That launch trailer
  15. I still maintain that no matter if MS develops something more powerful or not, it's not going to be able to do anything the PS5 wont be able to do from a computational standpoint. The CPU will almost certainly be comparable between them, and MS' machine will not be so far advanced that it would make developers consider focusing special treatment to it. The absolute best play for MS is to yes, be more powerful, but they need to have better features and "special sauce" type shit to differentiate the console. Sony's little announcement of PS5's super fast storage is the t
  16. Nice though. I'm glad Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest was in there. I wasn't sure there for a bit if it would be. It seemed so weird to announce the first 4 games and have the Gameboy CV2 in there but not the NES game. So that's 1,2,3,4 and Bloodlines. Pretty good. The next CV Collection needs: Rondo of Blood SotN Circle of the Moon Harmony of Dissonance Aria of Sorrow Dawn of Sorrow Portrait of Ruin Order of Ecclesia That would be amazing.
  17. Eh.. capitalizing on it, sure. Not "trying to stay relevant" because Bloodstained isn't going to change Castlevania or anything.. People have been asking for this stuff for a long time. It's easy money for them. The time is right.
  18. What? I never fucking said that you dipshit. Please post where I said that. I said there will be physical this coming gen, and that will likely be it, no more after that. You've got another thing coming if you think I'm going to let you outright lie and shit to try to claim wins over me Mr. 2019
  19. Here's what your Switch versions of those games would be like: I almost wish MS would do it... just to clown you some more Xbox is best on PC Nintendo is best on PC Octoraped BodyCountler is best on PC Zelda Bodied of the Wild is best on PC
  20. It will be much better than the X1X. The CPU alone is in another world, more RAM, faster storage... everything. I doubt it will be 4TB, but that could theoretically be enough for 1080p. We'll just have to see how far MS goes with Anaconda.
  21. They are.. why are you denying it? I mean, not a SINGLE shot of the cutscene footage was shown in the "portable view" rofl... Gameplay? Cut to the console shot.... cutscene? Blow that shit back up boys!! It's painfully obvious..
  22. I'm not really referring to the power consumption aspect of that sentence, even though I know I bolded it. Power consumption will always be an issue for mobile devices.. that much is understandable... but considering that it's a more powerful piece of hardware, they can always scale back a bit. My question is regarding the OS being a challenge to get to run on the new hardware. Makes no sense.
  23. Yea, and I know what something 'on the go' looks like... show me the fucking game in an appreciable manner. It's like at E3 when they cut from direct feed gameplay to show the screen and the crowd... like what the fuck are you doing.. That MK trailer could have been entirely fullscreen... and the "take your fight on the go" title card would have been just the same had the entire thing been fullscreen. Just face it.. they're hiding the fucking flaws of the game. Everything else is in fullscreen.. ie the high quality video files
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