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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Yes. Essentially think of ray tracing as simply being able to cast out probes which can determine characteristics of the scene and developers can use that information to process how anything interacts with that scene. That can mean sending out rays to determine lighting and shadow conditions, as well as audio. They could literally sample audio and actually have the sample bounce off the geometry and reproduce more accurate sounds.. just like sound does irl. Sounds being muffled behind a wall, for example. And instead of being a baked sound file... they can actually alter it dyn
  2. MS' thing right now is inclusiveness and diversity. Sony's appears to be that plus reducing the amount of 'unnecessary' sexuality in their games. I get not wanting the completely ridiculous overtly sexualized games... but high quality games with ample nudity shouldn't be shunned. If it was just this.. then ok, I get it. But it seems to me that they are intent on pushing as far as they can get away with.. so this isn't the end.
  3. Their western management is going to fuck them over in the long run if they keep it up Also, all of their big games are extremely violent... the more they push on this the more hypocritical they will begin to look. Either that, or their games will also become less violent and will suffer for it in the long run.
  4. LOL Sony... man.. cmon.. you're back in the drivers seat... you brought mature violent games into the mainstream.. don't do this
  5. Yea I know, I'm just saying. There's a certain amount of window dressing that comes along with his job too. He had to talk up the idea of rendering smarter, not harder.. and it's a natural extension of that talking point. A simple thing in reality.. but something that sounds impressive and is new about the new hardware. I'm sure there'll be other things like that for the PS5/X2. It IS a new architecture after all. We'll have AMD names for Mesh Shaders, and other shit. They'll have "specialized hardware" which enables x and y. lol Same old same old. I
  6. Sure. I still think though that this is a case of the entire level being loaded into memory. Realistically they need to compare loading into the game for the first time, rather than teleporting from inside the game world. Still though.. it sounds like they really mean low-to-no loading times. So we'll see how it holds up when the time comes.
  7. Yea, I'm really not down with this. They're starting to treat us like babies again. I get the reduction of pervy underage looking type shit... but they're testing what they can get away with, I'm guessing. It just makes no sense that you can't have some gratuitous nudity, while at the same time people in TLOU2 are dying in the most violent ways imaginable. I hope they don't continue pushing to much further.
  8. It wasn't meant to be a "superior" solution, or a catch all, rather than one that made it easier for developers to implement into their games/engines with minimal effort. There's always going to be developers that implement their own solutions which will work better in certain case scenarios. Whether that worked out for them or really helped push adoption is up in the air... but being able to have that information right there in it's own buffer that you can call to is better than not having it, and having to code it yourself.. if you're not so inclined. Cerny's a smar
  9. Who knows at this point? Basically the RT cores accelerate ray and triangle intersection calculations and provide that data (Bounding Volume Hierarchy) to the Streaming Multiprocessors concurrently which reduces latency and improves performance drastically. It totally depends on what AMD has come up with... but based on what I'm reading today.. it seems likely that they will have some emphasis on pushing 3D audio, so I wouldn't be surprised to see developers utilizing those cores to enhance audio how they described, as well as enemy AI and things like visibility ect ect, if they a
  10. I think it's pretty clear at this point that PD is building a RT version of GTS for PS5. They will likely do a re-release with upgrades and continue to just build and build on it. RT is going to make racing games look simply sublime. I can't wait.
  11. Presumably asset sizes will increase as well, meaning more assets at higher quality will take time and need to be swapped all the same. Current gen games wont be shit compared to them. Also, I'd like to just point out that the increase in RAM is likely what's playing a bigger part here. Notice how they demonstrated teleporting... already inside the game world. Meaning they've likely already background loaded data from the entire game world into the PS5's pool of memory, which can be instantly accessed. It's basically the same thing as a RAM drive, and kind of what MS was attemp
  12. So it seems like it will indeed be hardware accelerated RT support This is what a lighting artist at Naughty Dog posted today Aww yea
  13. It wont be... not for ACTUAL next gen games.. I think it was more of a point about how it could help BC games? Regardless.. it's great that they realize the importance of super fast storage.
  14. I'm wondering if he's meaning Sata and SSDs specifically. I'd be really impressed if they managed to surpass the speed of NVMe on their console drive lol.
  15. Yea exactly. The ram requirements are insane for 8K. Even basic scenes can tank fps. RE2 remake 8K with 2x Titan RTX: 33fps looking at this lock.. But this picture actually is a great representation of what I mean by "better asset detail across the scene" rather than pushing a higher base resolution with the same "low/high quality assets". Look at the lock.. there's tiny micro detail, little nicks and scratches.. That looks great and you can see good detail... but the rest of the textures? lmao.. not pretty at that close. Imagine
  16. I saw a vid and it looked pretty damn good. Tons of Zombies and shit flooding the scene. Would be cool to check out.
  17. It's a ridiculous amount of pixels. The memory requirements will shoot through the roof with next gen games. With 2x Titan RTX cards, people are playing games at 8K 60fps. Of course, the experience isn't perfect either, because the memory bandwidth isn't there. But 2 Titan RTX cards is like 32TFlops of FP32 power lmao.. Comparing AMD flops to Nvidia flops (jury is still out on Navi) that would be over 40TFlops of compute... I doubt were going to get that the gen after next.. lol. (and that's based on CURRENT gen games like Sekiro and RE2) When we actually look at
  18. I honestly don't think consoles will even live to see the day where they can render at 8K 60fps.
  19. You're hanging on my TAA statement when you don't even consider WHY I said it. I don't flip flop on this shit. The simple fact is that from the 720p/1080p days.. resolution played a factor because developers were creating assets that were higher fidelity than what could be displayed by those pixels.. When the resolution got better.. we could see those details, but there was still aliasing and shimmering. TAA is a relatively recent invention, and fixes much of that (depending on implementation of course) while maintaining minute detail. It's not like before when it used to blur
  20. Perceptible detail is already sufficient... We no longer need 4x the resolution to reduce shimmering and aliasing. We have very temporally stable images already. Perceptible detail at standard TV sizes diminishes greatly going from 4K to 8K... resolution in gaming right now (4K) is not currently a limiting factor for perceptible detail.. what games need now is more detail across the entire scene. Meaning less low res textures in spots, and more unique textures. That's where added PERCEPTIBLE detail will come from... not bumping the resolution up to 8K. This isn't like 1080p to
  21. Yes.. it absolutely does.. it creates a temporally stable image. At typical TV sizes, you're NOT going to notice an appreciable visual difference at 8K from 4K. Trust me on that shit man. When you talk about checkerboard 8K.. then you're completely negating the reason for choosing to render at 8K to begin with. You have to look at the resolution... and the perceptible resolution in motion... it's simply NOT appreciable over native 4K. It's not. 8K support.. is great... but it's nothing that they are going to push. It's standard because the console will support HD
  22. People don't seem to understand just how successful this game was for MS. It's awesome, and hope they keep building on it. It absolutely deserves to be pushed as far as it can go.
  23. The biggest thing will be the CPU. The types of things developers will want to create will simply not be feasible no matter how much you lower the resolution. But of course Nintendo is not worried... they've dealt with this every generation since the Wii. They really don't care, and will keep on keeping on.
  24. Really dude, 4K with TAA provides an extremely temporally stable sharp image. 8K really is diminishing returns regarding video game content. And I think you're slighting overestimating how powerful these consoles will be. Everything else you said is fair.. but it's more 'support for future proof sake' rather than any real intention to push adoption of it. We really need to just wait more to see what kind of power it actually has.
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