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Everything posted by Remij

  1. It could, but we really are reaching diminishing returns with 8K at standard TV sizes. Temporal AA really makes 8K less enticing to push for. I can see video, and indie/low end games having 8K modes, sure. It's good to 'support' the resolution for future-proofing anyway. But I'm not sure either Sony or MS will really want to PUSH the 8K adoption in the forseeable future. It's not going to be something feasible for most next gen games anyway. It's much better to push ray tracing and actually improve visual quality instead of image quality.
  2. The ONLY thing these consoles will be pushing 8K is video content. It's good for them to support it though.
  3. I said this a long time ago. The CPU cements it... as well as there being no "resolution" push worth happening next gen. The ONLY thing I could see them doing is adding Ray Tracing cores (meaning new cores, or extra cores, if it does happen to have dedicated cores already and not use standard compute) to push enhanced RT effects in patched versions of next gen games. I think that could be their "in" for that. We'll see though. Regardless... the baseline is about to be raised again
  4. RDR2 *IS* their GTA5 - current to next gen game. GTA6 will be something much more. These games will take time. I doubt it's happening is all I'm saying. Would be a lovely surprise though.
  5. Nah, it's amusing engaging you speaking about how deep COMBAT is in Souls games. You're literally on the verge of arguing that different weapons do different amounts of damage... as a crutch that it's actually deepens the actual combat loop. Nope.. sorry. It's dodge attack, dodge attack..
  6. I can't see GTA 6 happening this gen. It will be a next gen only game I'd assume. Probably 3 years out still. Why do people think they will release GTA6 so close after RDR2? It just doesn't make sense.
  7. attack roll attack roll, wait... then repeat. That's all it is. The fuck outta here guys. Be fucking honest with yourselves.
  8. Holy fuck... you're trying to make Souls combat sound like you don't just fucking run in attack roll/dash and attack.. Fuck right off NOBODY is thinking about attack and stamina management on a per hit basis in souls games GTFO
  9. Nope. You have lots of attack methods at your disposal. And movesets don't make the combat deeper shithead. You circle the enemy and attack... circle and attack. There's NO instance in Souls games where you actually HAVE to use 2 handed attacks or a certain weapon over another or whatever... it's useless fluff. Shit simply does DAMAGE... it doesn't make it any deeper. You're only changing the amount of damage you're doing... while doing the same fucking shit... circling and attacking... By the simple virtue of having a poise meter that you have to break, meaning yo
  10. No, see he made himself suffer through it so it lends more credence in his opinion about the game. The hilarious thing I find is complaining about the combat... which is more in-depth than any souls game before it. The story... which is actually told in a more direct way, yet still has some amazing lore behind it. The stealth... which wasn't ever meant to be a main pillar of the gameplay. The level design is great. The game has beautiful environments, which considering how the player can move through them, are designed in a way that allows for options when engaging enemies.
  11. Beautiful. Absolutely right to focus on storage speed and reducing/eliminating loading times. Because next gen game worlds are going to be extremely demanding asset-wise. The only thing this spec information really tells me though is that MS definitely needs to do the same. Because if they have a HDD in there, they're going to get trounced. I'm definitely curious as to the bandwidth differences compared to high end PC parts. At least Aza can put the 2019 shit to bed now Oh and godly that it will support ray tracing. Game graphics
  12. I don't think Sport is that great.. but w/e. Turn 10 and Playground Games are gonna have fresh new Next gen Forza's out way before any next gen GT game regardless. All new car and track assets, next gen engine Next gen racing games could have ray traced reflections and AO though. Shit is going to look incredible
  13. Forza Horizon 4, and Forza 7 are way better than GranShitmismo Sport. Any day of the fucking week.
  14. This thread has run its course and is nothing but personal insults now. Gonna close it up. Feel free to make a new thread about the same issue (on the politics forum) and stick to the topic. Have a good night gents.
  15. This isn't a 'console' game... it's a fucking mobile game through and through. The ONLY reason it's on PC is because of the MS app store.. so people with tablets and low end laptops can play something Forza. Nobody's going to play this shit. And the only way I would is if it remains completely free and I can win FH4 credits and cars by racing every so often.
  16. It's definitely a POS. Don't even bother. I just played one race.. that was enough for me.
  17. Obviously a bit less than that, but I bet you Sekiro has sold very similar on PC and PS4. I think that the "Over 2 million" announcement was more like closer to 3 million.. and they are going to make another announcement at the end of 1 month that it's over 4 million. Also, the mods are amazing
  18. Xbox is all wrong everywhere
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