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Everything posted by Remij

  1. But according to Twinky a 4090 not locking to 60fps at 9x the resolution is horribly unoptimized
  2. Well basically what I mean is like things feel snappier. Like entering certain convos, or going in and out of menus. Seems more polished. I wasn't ever having problems with the performance at this point. We'll see when I get to act 3. Hopefully patch 2 does improve performance. It should probably be out by the time I get there
  3. "Optimization" is a tricky word that Durante wrote about in 2016, because it can often be player shorthand for "this game doesn't run well on my PC." With a new generation of consoles on the field, we might need to adjust some of our expectations of how demanding a PC game should be. A game isn't unoptimized just because you can't set everything to Ultra, which we typically could do during the PS4 generation, from 2013 to 2020. Twinky's argument demolished in a nutshell. And it's not just Twinky that thinks like that... a VAST MAJORITY of these vocal gamers think like t
  4. Act 2. I'm not saying it's some massive 10fps+ gain or anything.. but definitely more snappy/responsive where it wasn't before. There was also a driver update recently.. maybe it was that?
  5. Anyone else notice that the game definitely runs better since this latest patch?
  6. LOL dude... you can't take consoles and PC equivalent GPUs and run them at vastly different settings... and expect to compare optimization.... Nobody is saying you can't run games with better settings/resoultion than consoles with that hardware.... but why are you also expecting better performance at the same time??
  7. Well, for sure you can still brute force a much better experience than the consoles.. but yes, absolutely.. a port can be shitty and still be better than the consoles. Most of the DF issues with PC ports are bugs/lack of polish and shader compilation stuttering... Some games aren't properly adapted to Alex's tastes... not really so much as optimization. Like they might call a port bad because you can't rebind keys, or use the mouse easily in menus... or preview settings changes in real time lol.. It doesn't seem to catch on no matter how many times DF says it... but they do opt
  8. Run games at console settings if you want to compare optimization bub... You LITERALLY have PS5 and Series X games dropping under 1080/900p.... which aren't hitting 60fps locked.. and you're asking your PC to render 4x the pixels and hit higher framerates while maxed out on Ultra
  9. Looks great visually. Pretty much just Gears as far as I can see.. which I'm good with. Does make me just want to see Gears 6 more though.
  10. Wait.. in the "Unofficial FAQ thread" on ResetERA they say the PS5 isn't capable of bluetooth audio? Is that true? I thought Jerry said that it supported it? So yea, if that indeed is the case, then there really is no chance of it supporting any other headsets. lol
  11. It will work on console. But the issue is that they run it on the async compute queue.. which consoles utilize quite heavily (much more than PC)... so the more work done on the async queue means the less there is for frame gen. So while it might improve things overall, I think the improvement will be less than what you can see on PC. I'm also wondering about how input latency will be affected on consoles.. because I could see an issue where a game is doing a ton of work on the async queues and so the developer intentionally impacts the actual frame rendering to generate intermedi
  12. That's exactly what's happening. People are used to higher framerates and resolution... but just like with the advent of any massive change in rendering technology... you basically have to drop down and rebuild back up again.
  13. 120fps locked on PC at native 4K 40fps locked on Steam Deck too. Will post pics later
  14. @JonDnD Patch #1 dropped today including *1000 bug fixes, balancing, and flow issues* .. and it looks like Patch #2 will be coming soon which features significant performance improvements lol.. Godlers Gate
  15. Ok.. my bad. I wasn't exactly meaning to say that PC wasn't more unoptimized in general either.. it definitely is as a general rule... just saying it's not only PC. Lots of console games could do with better performance optimization as well.
  16. Well, inherently fixed platforms will be easier to optimize for.. that much is obvious. However, there's a difference between optimization, and buggy, unfinished releases... of which I'd agree there have been many recently, which speaks more of lack of QA and polish than optimization. A lot of what Alex has referred to when talking about "Lousy PC ports" is basic things not working or being implemented correctly.. I mean the guy knocks games for not having the style of options menu that he likes.. Which is fine, because I agree that it can and should be better. The biggest offen
  17. So full of shit.. lmao. Console ports are just as unoptimized these days... which is why cows are essentially begging for a PS5 Pro at this point..
  18. Hmm, yea you're right. Should be able to do that unless they disabled it for some reason as you said. How is bluetooth on the PS5 using earbuds? I know my Samsung Galaxy Buds Pro are useless with anything other than my Galaxy phone due to the latency. It might be the same thing and the latency is simply too much so their low-latency proprietary solution is required? I dunno.
  19. No, it connects to PS5 using wifi only. It doesn't have a bluetooth antenna at all. From there you either use the built in speakers, or connect via Playstation Link with Sony's proprietary low latency headphones.
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