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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Running like garbage on your Shitop Actually probably still better than consoles
  2. I shouldn't have to say it... but non tagged spoilers in this thread or anywhere else will be met with a ban. We've waited long for this season, and we all want to experience it fresh.
  3. It most certainly doesn't mean what Aza said, give me a break... "MS going to hell and back to port games" "Fully expecting native Halo now" "Paying for the biggest Cart" The news so far points to "expect games that make sense for the system" and not that MS is going out of their way to port all their first party games to Switch. Again, I'm not saying that shit can't happen in the future... but the shit that's happened so far.. are ports of indie games which make sense, and ports of games that were already in development before MS acquired tho
  4. The port was already started before MS bought Ninja Theory... MS didn't do the port... MS did nothing except allow this to exist. Since it was already started, the might as well finish it up and release it. While I fully expect to see more MS things on Switch in the future, I don't think this means what you think it means.
  5. That's dumb. The game has made, and is still making, huge money for EA. These games are dirt cheap to make and can potentially bring in huge money. Sony would love to have a game like this.
  6. Yes it was. He posted this: I also found out that a lot of her visions on every version are FMV played over the scene. Anything where she recalls talking to people. If you just read that... you know EXACTLY what they are referring to. But I guess since that would have ended the conversation, you decided to play dumb and try to press him to double down on whatever so you could drag this already retarded thing out farther...
  7. I don't know what you have against the ohhho ohhhooo oohh ohhhooh. It sounds godly
  8. It would have been too noticeable. Not only the resolution, but the lighting as well, it's quite different so it would have been more jarring. Even as it is, it's still noticeably higher res than the actual in game graphics.. but it totally makes sense to do it that way. From the footage I've seen, sometimes it blends in quite well, and others it camera cuts to in game and looks a little awkward for a bit. Still pretty interesting... and yea, I think it's impressive given the hardware.
  9. They're referring to scenes where Senua is recalling memories. For example, the character Druth, when you see him in Senua's vision, it's actually a post processed video of a real person, not a 3d model. That's pretty much the case for any character that isn't Senua, who she recalls.. and yes, it's like that for every version of the game. Clever use of resources.
  10. This thread has delivered
  11. Xbox, don't treat me baaaaaad, This could be the last game that you ever get, Xbox, don't treat me baaaaaad, I can play any game on PC, don't treat me baaaaaad
  12. Yea, uh, direct feed its.. pretty rough to say the least. Using pre-rendered cutscenes was smart of them, but it's quite.. uh, obvious.. when it switches to gameplay. That said.. it's a hand held... Still impressive in it's own little way.
  13. Nope.. you saw what I wanted you to see, nothing more You're holding out cause your broke.. time to start The lemtards have fallen so hard
  14. He's gotta sell all his shitty gaming consoles and games to afford to buy his Laptop. Trying to play it off him "going rogue" There's a reason why he's gaming on PC now... so he can pirate. He's broktre
  15. Hermtre Not even this dumb lemming can deny the power of PC anymore
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