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Everything posted by Remij

  1. This is old. We already knew this. And I'd just look at this shit as more of a 'future looking' change. Yes, there's some issues and caveats, but it's just unavoidable with how their system was implemented in the beginning. The most important thing is that going forward with new accounts they'll be able to support it fully.
  2. You commented on them hiding the characters when they are speaking... I said you see Scar speaking 2 times and it looks fine. I didn't say anything about how he sounds in my reply to you... but if you'd have read the OP.. you'd know that I agree he sounds disappointing. But please.. JUST AWFUL... and TERRIBLE... no. Just disappointing.
  3. Looks awful he says No shit going with a realistic style means that colors will be muted and characters wont be as expressive.. I guarantee you these will be the most expressive REALISTIC looking lions you've ever seen And no, they quite clearly show Scar talking in 2 scenes, and it looked great.. lmao wtf.
  4. Shiiit man, how could you not love The Lion King. It's such a great story and the animation is still top tier to this day. But yes, the visuals in this movie are blowing my mind. You just have to think of all the artistry and technical knowledge that has to go into making visuals like this.. and have them be THIS convincing.. even under scrutiny. The amount of people that have to collaborate to bring it to life. It's mind boggling how good some people are at their jobs. Just thinking how realistically they animate, and the technical challenges that they must have faced to pull this off.
  5. Yes, let's get it out of the way.. it will never match the original. Ok, that said.. yes, Scar's voice actor doesn't sound menacing enough... but holy fucking shit the visuals and everything looks amazing! And of course, The Lion King's OST is legendary, and this version of The Once and Future King sounds absolutely incredible.. It gives me fucking chills man hearing it. I can't wait for this
  6. Yea, it's not perfect. I think it could have been a little more faithful to the original in some ways, but it's a damn good RE game. One of the top RE games for me.
  7. 2nd best game of the year so far. Behind Lordkiro
  8. Even ex-valve employees know exactly what has been happening. People will start to realize in time, but they'll still be salty. Valve will have to start funding, buying, improving their AAA game catalog.. this will mean more games will come to PC, and perhaps new AAA games built SPECIFICALLY for the PC, where the platform can finally flex it's muscle a bit. http://www.zenofdesign.com/the-epic-steam-war-is-here-and-game-devs-are-all-for-it/
  9. This site doesn't have enough people that anyone would be banned for any considerable amount of time either I banned Jimbo for a "month" but by day 3 was like "ok I'ma let him back." I did ban him today again though (3 days) He keeps saying stupid shit referencing kids.. and I'm really not cool with that.. jokes or not. He's getting enough warnings that if he keeps it up, it WILL be a while before I'd let him post again. But whether that happens or not is up to him.
  10. ^LOL Game deserves it though.. it's stunning visually, has great gameplay.. changes up the series in a good way.. and has a nice little story behind it that people can relate to.
  11. I've banned enough people that my threats are taken seriously. I DO kinda abuse my position a bit though. Too much with the threats. I don't expect people to take them serious though. I threatened Jon that I was going to ban him with Sekiro, and that came and went and I did nothing lol..
  12. @Cookester15 @Alphonse release me from this mod curse please. The power is overwhelming and it's consuming me. What little humanity I have left is being leeched and my soul can't take it Remij -
  13. Nah.. stick around. How else are you going to own me for RDR2 never releasing on PC?
  14. If I really wanted you banned, then I would have banned you and some other mod would have had to unban you. I like seeing the reaction I get out of you when you start losing your shit about everything being unfair and mod abuse. You say dumb shit.. and deserve to be fucked with. That's a fact. I can handle myself just fine.. you're just retarded man. When literally EVERYONE on a forum calls you out for always being fucking wrong and stupid, you have to stop and think that maybe you really are. However, you keep doubling down. You're this forums punching bag bitch.. you really
  15. Yes, I DO want to ban you. You're getting too big for your britches when it comes to your prediction shit, and you're always wrong about it. I'd figure you'd have learnt by now.. but you keep doubling down on stupid... so I'm going to take pleasure in banning you for it. Look.. you're already crying about it... and it hasn't come to pass yet. You must be really unsure about yourself if you're already THIS worried
  16. Switch port of GTA5 would NOT bring as much money in as Red Dead on PC. You're absolutely retarded. The game would be $40 max... it wont fit on a cart... there's plenty of technical reasons for them to not bother with that port. RDR2 was DEVELOPED on PCs... is easy to port... will make TONS of GUARANTEED money... and fits the platform and the Online nature of the game guarantees money coming in for years. You're a dumb motherfucker... and dude... trust me... I'm going to take PLEASURE in banning you. I'm gonna throw up a poll when it's time to find out how long we sh
  17. They have a responsibility to their shareholders to make as make as much money as possible. And I KNOW it's coming. Go ahead dummy... dig your hole deeper
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