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Everything posted by Remij

  1. He lost his own argument about who cares because he responded to the initial post first... then once I responded back in kind, he immediately defaulted to "who cares?" and now the subject is whether or not I'm a REAL PC gamer Gotta love this shit
  2. ^ deal with it whichever way works for you homie
  3. ROFL.. you're acting like the hardware you choose isn't important... as long as it plays games... lmao that's NOT how PC gamers think dumbass. You're acting like a console gamer who's not invested in PC at all... so you don't care... and it shows. Dude...
  4. That's a console gamers perspective... You keep outing yourself
  5. Epic ain't doing shit you fear mongrel.
  6. PC gamers do... not that I'd expect you to understand
  7. All of which are higher than AMD's VEGA gpus which have been out for over a year and a half, and had massive price reductions I mean... that $1200 gpu already has more Steam userbase than AMD's cheapest Vega producs DOMINATION
  8. What you see there is probably the entirety of the assets they have for the game lmao..
  9. Looks neat. Tough competition though with Souls/Bloodborne/Sekiro/Nioh.. but I'm liking what I see so far. I have no faith that the world building will be nearly as intricate as those other games, but hopefully it turns out great.
  10. I think they HAVE to evolve the Souls combat after this, if they decide to ever make a Souls game again. Simply attack, roll, attack, roll.. won't suffice anymore. Sure, the different move-sets from the different weapons is nice and interesting.. but they have to introduce another mechanic that affects how effective different weapons are and how armor plays into it. I think it would be cool if armor actually played more of an important role and was a mechanic in itself. Both you and enemies have a "vulnerability" mechanic where your attacks lowered the efficiency of armor, leavi
  11. FF7 - So I'm pretty happy that's happening Chrono Trigger is another one.. and also the original Legend of Zelda.
  12. I know it for a fact. Dude is a HUGE PC closet nerd. He's letting the act slip though... modding his other consoles isn't helping his case.
  13. Oh, the thread for this game's announcement will be glorious
  14. Well, presumably they are going to sweeten the Ultimate tier with other incentives PC gamers are likely to want. Not sure what that would entail atm, but it seems like that's the idea to me.
  15. Nah, it appears to simply be another optional tier, which gives more incentive to get into Gamepass by adding $5 live into the mix. People are more likely to think.. well, I might as well sub to Gamepass as well...it's only $5 more than Live or Gamepass by themselves. Live Gold = $10 Gamepass = $10 Both together = $15 It causes the people who want Gamepass to "pay monthly for Live" instead of the cheaper yearly or quarterly plans. So MS will get more money in the end. The idea is that they are going to be adding more services to the pot in the fu
  16. He says... right after Bodycount admits to half his discs not working Yea Shitre... everyone's running out to buy Dreamcasts 20 years later... Maybe they should have did that shit back when it launched so that the platform holder could have survived to make more Pretty soon you'll be collecting streaming boxes
  17. ^look at these fucking nerds modding their consoles Bu but GODLY! Look how AMAZING it fits! And it's CLEAR!
  18. It includes Live Gold + Gamepass.. and will incorporate other services into the mix as well in the future. I knew they would do this to get PC gamers helping to pay into Xbox Live... even if it's not directly. This is obviously why they are pushing to get Gamepass going on PC, and they're going to sweeten the pot with other services which will entice players to sign up, and that $5 extra a month will go towards Xbox Live... since they're well aware that they can't simply start charging PC gamers for Xbox live separately. This makes Gold for console gamers cheaper by th
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