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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Zelda BotW - Best on PC Mario Odyssey - Best on PC Octopath Traveler - Best on PC Switch has this motherfucker running to LABO VR How the mighty have fallen
  2. Just wait until RDR2 is announced this month for PC...
  3. https://gematsu.com/2019/04/octopath-traveler-rated-for-pc-in-korea#xyPVOOlB1Bmboxq7.99 Namco Bandai is publishing, which the normally do for games in Korea. Of course there's that other Octopath Traveler phone game in development, so it could always be that... but the fact that Namco Bandai are publishing and the fact that it's being rated (while the mobile game is still indevelopment) makes me think it's the real Octopath Traveler.. which means... BODYCOUNT WILL BE FUCKING RAPED And anotha one - PC
  4. ^BC living in his own little LABO universe Fuck outta here clown
  5. I wasn't aware Epic had exclusive control of the entire market... I could have sworn they just have about 20-30 games.. And making deals with publishers is not FORCING them to do anything... The whole 3rd party seller shit doesn't fly with me breh... hit the road with it. Nothing wrong with having an exclusive window, then opening it up... or not. Make them deals, give developers more money... grow the platform.. invest more in developers and the platform. That's what PC has needed... not a fucking dumping ground for any and everything.
  6. How is it monopolizing? ROFL... Making business partnerships and exclusivity deals is NOT monopolizing PC gaming... This is absolutely competition, and Valve has the opportunity to compete just like anyone else. Gabe needs to get crackin
  7. Nope. I see a much bigger picture than I believe you do. Tim's not wrong when he says he's improving and bettering PC gaming, and the Steam-tards just don't realize it yet.. and that competition has been long needed. I absolutely agree 100% with him... and I've explained that before many times on ERA and GAF. You think you're fighting some noble fight, but you're not. You're unwittingly contributing to the stagnation of PC game development and identity. This is happening because it HAS to happen. People NEED to be weened off of this Steam only mindset...
  8. Doubtful. The system would have to fit just right for the lenses to work properly. I'd expect 3rd party VR headsets though, if enough games start having VR support.
  9. So for Odyssey it's just small little areas of some levels which you can use it... .. and BOTW you can essentially go anywhere, "change modes" and view the world in VR. It's not like you can actually play these games in VR.. probably for the best tho with LABO (rofl) and Switch hardware
  10. Arresting heart-rate means you're dying - Jimbo
  11. ^ @madmaltese I edited your post because the spoiler tag had a / before the opening spoiler so it didn't work. And shit tho... the area I just got to has to be FROM's most beautiful area they've ever made. God DAMN
  12. That entire thread is gold. LMAO DynamiteCop
  13. Which ape? But yea, me too. I'm feeling like I'm in very late game stuff here.. but I'm going to say that this has been an amazing game so far. In some ways, it's very far ahead of the Souls games. Combat is much better and more fun and visceral. I love how impactful things are over the Souls games. I love the idea of posture and having to break it, or whittle your enemy's health down to nothing for a fatal blow. I also love how quickly posture regains depends on their health. I really hope future games from them incorporate similar ideas into the combat where it's not jus
  14. I'm not sure if you're asking or even want hints, so I'll spoiler where the hole is and where else you could possibly try. You should have the notes in your inventory which will give you clues as to where to go. I love how explorable some of these environments are though. Some are simply fucking breathtaking.
  15. Eh, you kinda were.. But regardless.. I'm not trying to "win" anything here. I'm simply bringing up that DF was wrong again.. and VG Tech was right.
  16. Imagine talking about the potential hardware... in a thread designed to talk about the potential hardware... Both of you idiots are the same. You never have any value to add to a conversation.. you just exist to throw in your shitty 2 cents that nobody cares about. Stay out of these threads fucktards.
  17. Nah, at this point in time it seems pretty uncertain as to what Navi is. I've read a lot about it. I've heard to expect to be disappointed... many key people involved in Navi have left AMD, and I've also heard it's only marginally improved over Vega. It all gives me pause about Navi. AMD always find a way to fuck things up. Vega was supposed to have the features they're pushing for Navi. Navi was supposed to have the features they're pushing for "next gen"... They haven't been hyping it as the next great uArch at all. It's basically being thrown to the wolves because they're
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