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Everything posted by Remij

  1. During the last phase you might as well not even bother trying to heal. He'll automatically do an unblockable if you do. The only way you really can heal is if you use your firecrackers as a distraction. It wasn't really a hard fight, I just beat him a few hours ago myself (but I've done a shitload of the other areas and quests before that)... you just have to stay on him and when he does the lightening attack you gotta jump and then do the attack. It drains his health for a shit ton and the fight is over rather quickly. I really liked that fight though.
  2. LOL thanks for admitting you're looking at this from a 3rd person perspective... a butthurt one at that. And it's not a single instance... it's a THEME of yours here. And you were talking shit about the platform itself and how it was dying... fuck off trying to back track on that shit bro.. it ain't working. You made your choice... and you chose consoles. The fuck outta here. Oh wait... unless that was all just bullshit... because "cutting Remij down" is more important that having a consistent viewpoint on things... isn't it?? And you are fake. You own
  3. Huh? LOL Dynamite... you're the type of dude that buys shit just so he can say he has it and "enter the conversation"... lmao none of us are forgetting about when we were talking about VR and you had absolutely ZERO interest in it... and then went out and bought one the next day so you could give your "valid" opinion on it... ROFL... please bitch. You're as fake as they come. And this bitch thinks PC gaming started with Steam
  4. You're NOT a PC gamer... you're a cucked console gamer who prefers Xbox. You don't think all that shit you talked about PC on this forum goes away just because, right? Take your garbage console and leave with it. Thanks for your xbox games... we'll distribute them how we please
  5. Getting more time into Sekiro now. Fuck this game is simply amazing. Tough but fair. And there's no FROM game or any other action game that makes you feel as badass smoothly taking out an entire squad of enemies as in this game. I've kind been going all over the place and missed some obvious areas first time through some of the areas. I went as far as I could go, started going back and exploring some more, and man, there's tons of different areas to branch to.
  6. You're an idiot though, and not even a PC gamer. Skulk back to your shitty Xbox console please and leave PC gaming to those who actually care.
  7. I love it The best thing about this is the inevitable turn coat that will happen when Epic's store starts gaining features that Steam has, one-by-one, and then more developers start making deals with Epic... and of course, Epic will produce their own games. I fucking LOVE this. LMAO client warz fanboiz.. what a bunch of fucking babies. bubut my accoutns.. bub ut epic isn't trustworthy Fuckheads... this is a company that's DRIVEN to succeed, and will place their money where their mouth is to meet that end. In 2 years, this will all seem ridiculous.
  8. Yes.. it's working. Now the idiots are coming around to ray tracing. It's just unfortunate that you need to simplify the graphics to the most barest bones shit possible for those idiots to understand what's happening
  9. Judging from the video it certainly doesn't look quite as sharp as native 4K. Another instance of DF being wrong. They can't pixel count temporally anti-aliased images to save their life
  10. bu but I have to ask my friend if I can borrow his xbox S.. an an and the controller sux an an and my mom wont buy me a PC dumbnux3
  11. Because porting to more powerful hardware is dirt cheap. And these games sell well on PC
  12. Let's pretend for a second that that was actually true. I'm allowed to have that opinion, no? Now that's done... no. The Epic store has been fine... and it's only going to improve. All my games work perfectly.. they install, they save, they do everything and support everything the games released require. And yes, the competition is good for PC gaming. I find it ironic that you're always pining for the old days of PC gaming, but completely unwilling to help facilitate the change to bring it back. A store that actually partners with developers and uses their financial backing t
  13. One of the mods that frequents the PC Gaming thread there really doesn't like me. Also, there's users there that will report me for saying anything about Epic.. at least it seems that way. I'm pretty sure I know who they are. I can't seem to have the opinion that the Epic Store is good on that forum.
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