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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Good thing you caught yourself... wouldn't want you to waste any more of your precious tim-- oh wait
  2. Yea, cause you were browsing this video game forum... and not living your amazing life Fucking cock sucking FAGGOT
  3. Nah there's something more pathetic than that... it's called coming back to a video game forum that you "quit"
  4. Look at all those AAA games. Casualza Waahhh the game is too hard Get a real life achievement... says the failed burger shack chef who constantly talks about how shit his life is. Look at this fuck.. rofl.. he experiences one satisfying connection in his life and now everything else up to this point was meaningless and he's above it. This fucking cool guy right here
  5. Yes it does. You are all gay. Now take those heels off
  6. Nah. PC version is getting announced though in mid April, I've confirmed.
  7. Easily Sekiro. Obviously it's too hard for Ramza... bitch do yourself a favor and quit gaming and the forum... Don't just talk about it... DO it.. because your opinion is fucking terrible
  8. Jimbo bringing the ASStral Pain
  9. Yes it does. The characters have more physical details, the world and aesthetic are more pleasing and less angular, and the animations take a wet hot dump on Crackdown 3... Dude.. just stop with the fanboy shit for ONE day.
  10. It looks better than Crackdown.. what the fuck are you smoking?
  11. I loved Her Story.. this looks like it's going to be awesome as well.
  12. The best thing is that PCs will be powering most of them.. then eventually all of them (MSFT)
  13. Metro comparison after the DLSS update... 4K Ultra.
  14. Any gpu does ray tracing... This is why I'm going to laugh when the drivers are actually released and you see real world performance. That demo is such a limited form of ray tracing.. it's embarrassing. Only mirror reflections which can be more easily calculated because they know direction in which the ray will travel. No diffused ray traced reflections at all in that demo.. which ups the complexity in orders of magnitudes because rays will bounce in less predictable ways. But by all means keep adding fuel to the fire that's going to burn you
  15. I'll go ahead and do that so I can call it up real quick when you see what actual performance in games is like on your Vega GPUs after AMD releases some drivers that will work
  16. I lost any interest I had in it when lobbies and party support wasn't included for launch. Just stupid.
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