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Everything posted by Remij

  1. PS5 he says But yes.. it's going to be awesome
  2. Lots of ideas. None that a stupid dumbfuck American like yourself would ever consider. Idiot.
  3. You're literally fucking insane. Fucking America man
  4. Bloodborne is on PC though... no PS required I mean.. which one should I play? BCHBR
  5. LMAO playing this shit with a mouse and keyboard What you should be thinking about is the PC nerds playing and loving the best FROMSOFT game this gen in ultrawide/native 4K at 100+/60+fps with whichever controller they choose. Absolutely Glorious™
  6. She did.. she just didn't get a chance to pull it off
  7. Indeed. The combat in this game is godlike... especially once it "clicks". It's going to feel so weird going back to Souls/BB games after this. My hope is that they incorporate certain elements from this game into any future Souls game.
  8. When this stuff happens on government owned properties it 100% should be. They are supposed to be safe.
  9. https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/broward/article228350134.html
  10. Yea, variable refresh-rates.. lol which is different than variable frame-rates... which is extremely common lmao.
  11. RE2 looks like blurry shit on X1X... and runs worse overall...deal with it DMC5 looks a tiny bit sharper... and runs worse on X1X... deal with it "bu but you don't play cutscenes" Yea, and yet it's extremely noticeable when you're running along at a smooth 60fps and then the cutscene cuts in and runs ~40-50fps unlocked. It's jarring. Consistency overall is much better... you're not fooling anyone. Again... resolution percentages mean fuck all when explaining PERCEPTIBLE differences in IQ. You're throwing numbers out there like 44% gains.. which sound HUGE...
  12. Now I'm not sure what you are talking about. I assumed you meant variable refresh-rate support. Are you talking about interpolation?
  13. The irony of hoping for variable fps support in consoles... so you can attach it to your PC monitor
  14. A even lesser fraction of a tiny fraction of people to begin with
  15. RE2 runs more consistently and looks sharper. Looks blurry as fuck on X1X.. deal with it man. RE2 on X1X also drops frames like a motherfucker in cutscenes. Pro is more consistent. DMC5 runs better on PRO and again, much better in cutscenes.. it's more consistent. The res increase is hardly noticeable, and definitely less so while playing. It's hilarious watching you talk about 4% lower fps and that not being noticeable... while at the same time pretending like DMC5's resolution advantage on X is SO noticeable during gameplay. Nobody gives a fuck about a slight resolution b
  16. Meanwhile RE2 Remake and DMC5 just released and are two extremely impressive looking games which run great with no issues for the most part.... Oops.. those are two other games where the PRO outperforms the X1X.. But LMAO Sekiro on consoles
  17. Anyway... Zhuge from ResetERA said to not put much stock into this rumor. They looked into it and have heard contrary.. so they locked the thread.
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