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Everything posted by Remij

  1. https://uploadvr.com/oculus-rift-s-official/ Fuck yes. Buying the SHIT out of it. Lone Echo 2 is going to look so fucking good
  2. It is. It's kind of like a Switch version of it on PC
  3. I will be surprised... but not surprised anymore. ANYTHING can happen these days it seems. What crazy times
  4. I feel Epic is literally opening up the doors and Bloodborne could find it's way to PC Cows right about now:
  5. Mattrick killed Xbox. Phil salvaged what he could. That's the literal truth.
  6. Yep. I used to be in the camp of wanting absolutely everything on Steam or in one place... Stopped caring a while back. So glad I got over that stupid shit. Bring on the competition.. bring on the options, and bring on more games.
  7. 15GB for me. Probably compressed though. Will probably be a bit bigger when it unpacks.
  8. Phil is great. Best thing to happen to Xbox.
  9. Yea, that's where I got it from Clown ass motherfuckers.. Clientwars... on the same platform
  10. Yea.. it's going to look crazy nice. They might even touch it up a bit too.. who knows?
  11. Nobody gives a shit where games are released... just that they are good. Now Control, and others coming... they also get more money for every one of those sales as well...
  12. I love it. That thread where Rami Ismail (dev) basically said what everyone was thinking... "too fucking bad Valve.. you got out-businessed"... Games mean more than some fucking client features... and Epic knew that. The thing is... they're buying exclusives AND their Client is going to improve massively this year. Those ResetERA fucks are all going to cave... You just know Epic is going to be going for all the big exclusives.. and like I said.. they're even pulling first party exclusive console games from Sony.. I'm sure there will be more in the near future as well
  13. But at least you recognize that PC has the best graphics ROFL XBhygones One X
  14. Will look better running on my PC
  15. As I said... the Playstation games are starting to trickle over as well. Detroit on a high end PC
  16. Game mechanic spoiler-ish.. sort of. God DAMN I can't wait for this! My hype is fucking through the roof now.
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