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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Watch in 4K. Looks really fucking impressive with all those particles and fluid simulation happening. They don't say how many GPUs it can scale up to.. but imagine how crazy effects could be in games with this. This ironically is a better demonstration of what cloud tech could do to enhance locally computed graphics than Crackdown 3's physics based destruction... They're both based on similar principles. I'm pretty sure MS are going to be doing the same thing for their games next gen.. which is enhanced graphics and physics in games using cloud computing. Also, I expe
  2. The best thing is that the Dreamcast uses a version of Windows CE... Dude can't escape MS no matter where he goes
  3. Harder to keep cool. Concentrated hotspots... HBM is finicky at high temps.
  4. It is. And PS5 and X2 will likely have more than 16GB total ram. Let me put it this way... nobody is worried about a next gen console with 484GB/s bandwidth with only 16GB of RAM... GDDR6 will get them to 24GB and almost double the bandwidth... They absolutely aren't throwing in 24GB of any HBM memory and doubling the bandwidth... that would be extremely cost prohibitive.. and there's no benefit over GDDR6. It's not happening. Mass market products will use GDDR6... book it.
  5. Nah I know, I'm just fucking with ya. It's going to feel different enough imo. More agile and fluid in what you can do. Also apparently the enemies don't just let you dash/roll around them and attack from behind. You have to fight for your hits I understand people preferring BB's world/aesthetic over Sekiro's. The settings alone can play a huge part in one's interest in a game. It's all good though. I think this game is going to be beautiful though.. and if rumors are true.. the world is the best FROM's created since DS1. This game's world is interconnected lik
  6. 484GB/s bandwidth?? And we're supposed to be worried that PS5/X2 will use HBM?? Bu but Dynamite... this is HBM2.... you were talking about HBM... are you changing your tune?? Dumbo
  7. lmao, no... not nervous at all. Those are in servers... not console hardware What a stupid bump But thanks.. this just adds fuel to the fire I'm going to burn you with
  8. There's 13 confirmed bosses in the game
  9. Fair enough... but nah. Sekiro >> BB. BB is going to feel slow and archaic combat-wise as well
  10. That was dumb of you You're also going to be surprised when Sekiro reviews come and the game destroys any Xbox game made in the past decade
  11. This fucking dude bu but I got teh noctuaz fan mod kit... next comes the RGB lighting.. itz lookin so fresh!
  12. Their "one-trick" is to make awesome games. Sekiro is much different than any souls game
  13. This thread has been added to SRvO and I'm banning you when the game DOESN'T get lots of 7s
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