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Everything posted by Remij

  1. 3 separate collections. There's going to be another Castlevania collection as well... or multiple. And obviously, not all the games have been announced for the first collections yet, so we'll have to see. $20 for each collection I think.
  2. Bodyownt Buy a PC retard forget that clown shit
  3. You're dumb as fuck Durr hearing it will get lotz of 777zzzzzz
  4. The Castlevania collection will have multiple parts. So I'm guessing we're getting 1,2,3,4, and probably the DS games as well. Then in the 2nd collection we'll get Bloodlines, SotN, and whatever else. Same with the Contra collections. Yes! Finally they're getting off their asses and bringing these collections out.
  5. To scale the performance of the games.... You need to learn how to separate the game's performance from the streaming performance... There's 2 sides to the equation. If Sony and MS release 14TF consoles and developers target that as a base spec..with a much higher performance CPU, then in 3 or so years... if Google requires it... to get the latest and greatest games.. they can scale up their hardware. They can scale it up if a hypothetical PS5 Pro or X2X releaser.... Yes, the stream quality is important... but it's crucial to have the instance itself be as performant
  6. Googles implementation? Who knows... Streaming? Yes... it's absolutely the future. Think long term Aza...
  7. Who's talking about that? I'm talking about scaling up system performance... meaning if PS5/X2 come out and are decidedly more performant, then Google can just scale up to get the same games... or even better games in the future.. after PS5/X2 have been out for a while. Instead of releasing a new console like MS and Sony would... they scale up their server hardware. And relax... in 2 years.. with 5G, and better image compression and decoders IQ will be fine. This isn't something that will remain as good as the here and now run of it.... It's like you idiot
  8. What? Also, how the fuck do they announce this and not announce any games or anything
  9. The thing is, Amazon can scale up at any point of the gen too. It's not static like PS5 hardware will be. But you better hope that PS5 is more than 10TF
  10. rofl we had this exact same argument before. Not again
  11. The stream was 60.. idiot. The game was locked to 30fps. Maybe with your shitty internet though.. or did you overclock it?
  12. It definitely was. That guy sounds like a butthurt CEO from a streaming company that's about to be completely irrelevant Kinda like how you're completely butthurt too
  13. The rumor is that Sega and Google are in a deep partnership... lmao.. the PC not having something has nothing to do with what's possible for this console... It's very likely fake.. but cmon..
  14. GS doesn't use .5 increments anymore. So what's it going to be... 9.. or 10?
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