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Everything posted by Remij

  1. Uh no. It's no big deal because it's no big deal. If it is to you.. that's your issue. You of course didn't buy the PS4 until the PRO... and you're lecturing people who bought PS4's, PRO's and will buy PS5....about how important it is to them... come the fuck on The whole "you've spent $1000 on Xboxes LOLOL" is the stupidest shit ever. Fanboys don't give a fuck about that shit. That is literally NOTHING money..
  2. If it was a situation where they cancelled TLOU2 for the PS4 and made it a PS5 game... THEN there would be hell to pay. That's not happening though.
  3. Nobody would give a shit dude lmao.. The people that actually care... have NO ISSUES spending $500 again 2 years later lmao. It's YOU who thinks that's some huge dig against people.. lmao. Again.. most people would trade in their PROs for a PS5 if they cared that much. In fact.. I'm sure the people with PROs are HOPING that happens, and that the game is pushed even further.
  4. Exactly It's pretty much the exact same situation.. except I'm sure that $400 isn't nearly as big of a deal as $500
  5. That would limit it to being a resolution increase only... so no "Dock specific" games would be made.
  6. Eh.. at the end of the day... they didn't buy the X1X for just Halo, or just any one game. What you're doing is as dumb as when Jon tells me I spent $2500 on my PC for a single game or feature... You know that's bullshit, so don't do it. They bought a console a year and a half ago, and it's likely to get another 2 years out of it. Halo probably wont release till late 2020 or 2021. It could also release before than on XO, X1X, and PC, and then be a launch title for the next Xbox which is then upgraded futher... Who knows? $500 isn't anything... and they can trade in
  7. There IS another Halo in development this gen for that hardware specifically tho.
  8. I don't think anybody would be upset with MS talking about their next generation hardware and games at E3... In fact, I think most people are begging for it. X still has a good 2 or so years left.
  9. I'm guessing this is it.. and it's likely coming fairly soon. Nvidia's newest driver notes also mention DOOM: Eternal fixes
  10. You could downsample. But it doesn't matter. I'm sure someone will do a comparison soon enough.
  11. Also John himself says that it could be a dynamic solution Yea.. it's dynamic. But that's ok relax
  12. Doubtful. VG Tech also gets a dynamic resolution.. just posted 10h ago Digital Foundry does not know how to pixel count
  13. Well, you could do it for the sake of me seeing an actual comparison of 1080p DLSS and 1440p... I'm not asking you to play like that...
  14. Performance on X was improved over the demo... it seems logical that they are now dynamically adjusting the res to facilitate that. Let's see what DF says though. I edited my post before you even posted because I knew you'd bring it up
  15. Yea. According to NXGamer. The X is dynamic (~80% of full 4K) but goes up to full native 4K depending on load. He still didn't rule out a resconstruction technique on either console.
  16. It will be interesting to see how DLSS performs in Anthem.. and then compare it to PS4 PRO's CB solution. Not trying to start shit.. it will actually be an interesting.. and the first point.. of comparison between them.
  17. That's badass as fuck Imagine how he's gonna look in RE3 Remake
  18. Do the 1080p Extreme bench instead.. it's far more demanding.
  19. Well at that point it's not a fallback layer.. lol. I think they SHOULD be releasing and supporting it in drivers, but they aren't because it's never going to perform favorably for them.
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