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Everything posted by Remij

  1. But review copies are confirmed out in the wild. People (reviewers specifically) are playing it on PSN confirmed. And apparently some reviews are speaking quite highly of it, saying they expect 91-94 meta scores. The other thing is.. people are speculating that there's some big twist either in the gameplay or the story which FROM/Activision absolutely don't want revealed, so they were limiting the amount of review copies going out to only trusted outlets, which aren't supposed to speak about any embargo. I'm too fucking hyped for this game. N
  2. We don't have to. It's quite obvious. And that's not zoomed in at all... that's a snip from the trailer running in fullscreen.
  3. He's not even denying it anymore The Hermlegion is growing Games will be modded
  4. Shut the fuck up.. And that's an OLD ass vid
  5. The irony being that ALL of those games are playable on PC... right now
  6. Uh, the post in the OP is DLC for that game.. It was already released on PC. I was just posting about it specifically because Dynaraped posted the picture and claimed it was a bad game.. Apparently it's not.
  7. This makes a Switch list look like it doesn't exist Get fucked. Halo BEST ON PC
  8. Along with all the others. Next up, Sekiro GOTY best on PC 60+ fps not 45 with dips edition
  9. You're debating whether you should even buy 1 of 3 top tier games... It's clear you're not the type to play much
  10. Please appreciate that there's games there for everyone Idiot https://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/west-of-loathing https://www.metacritic.com/game/switch/west-of-loathing
  11. LOL no... there are like 10 there One for each candle on the Xbox is dead celebration cake
  12. Holy shit some godly games releasing As I was scrolling through them, I found this: Which I had no idea was even releasing. Nightshade
  13. God DAMN. What a single month. PC
  14. Uh, I agree it's impressive... but I'll stop you short from claiming that I wasn't expecting something like this... but no.. it's not accurate man. It's extremely obvious. And no... AMD is coming with their own hardware based solution... which will be exposed through DXR and Vulkan. They will not be able to compete in performance unless they do. lol Man I hope so badly they release this demo to the public. lol
  15. Since launch... 14 years ago Nobody gives a shit now... this was a cult classic back then, and is even less cared for now. Keep pining for the old days though..
  16. No.. it's not. Nothing is accurate at all there. How can you be so blind as to not see this when it's in motion? It's all over this scene If there's any justice in this world, Crytek will release this same demo running on RTX with hardware accelerated support.. the difference in quality and performance will be quite apparent.
  17. How the fuck can the shell on the far right reflect at this angle, and yet the next one over doesn't... but yet reflects the scenery above it??? ROFL please.. And no... you can see as the shot pans that the specular diffused reflections simply aren't there for the shells... not anywhere. Look at the shell in the middle... you can see the red hue from the BACKGROUND reflection in the specular below it... but not the shell casing reflection.. It's completely wrong...
  18. Just look at the bullet shells ffs
  19. There's very clearly missing reflections.
  20. He follows you around fairly consistently for a portion of the game. He's not nearly as bad as some people make him seem. But some people really do seem to have issue with him. They want to be able to slowly move at their own pace.. and have safe spaces. There's safe spots in the police station with him.. so don't worry. However, I feel that he injects a nice amount of tension right when the game starts to feel less scary as you become more accustomed to the zombies.
  21. Then suffered with an AMD gpu... no thanks
  22. I played The Division 2 beta, and it was pretty good. RE2 is awesome, but if Mr. X makes you worried about enjoying it, then go ahead and get DMC5. They're all awesome games though and you won't be making a mistake buying any of them.
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